Chapter 92: No Karma With The Buddha

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Kong Hou wanted to say she was not. That way, she could sneak away after the matter was resolved. Yet the woman’s eyes were too bright, like a moth who saw the fire and was grabbing onto the last thread of hope. Kong Hou thought, if she shook her head, this would be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

She sighed and nodded. “I am.”

“It is Her Highness, it is Immortal Kong Hou. She came to save us!” Someone shouted inside the crowd. The shout was a spark igniting the firewood. The numb and dazed people started to wake up.

“Immortal came to save us?”

“We… we are saved?”

A large man shouted and cried as he rushed home to hug his children. After they waited and hoped for so long, Immortal Kong Hou finally heard their prayers and came from heaven to save them.

Looking at the people laughing and crying, Huan Zhong found the fiendish energy in the sky had faded slightly. While minute, he could clearly feel it with his cultivation.

These mortals were shrouded in the terror of death and hate. Why did they have suh power when they received a thread of hope? Mortals were so stubborn that they could live if they had hope?
The Withering of Ten Thousand Bones Formation used the anger and discontent of humans, with the mountains and rivers as the building blocks. A formation like this could not be destroyed. If it was ten years ago…

Huan Zhong looked down. In the past he had felt it did not matter if his spirit platform recovered. But Kong Hou had so many years in front of her—what about him?

“Huan Zhong.” Kong Hou grabbed his sleeve. “I will draw the small formation in the formation eye for you.”

“All right.” Facing Kong Hou who trusted him completely, Huan Zhong’s features immediately softened.

As a beginner who had just learned formations, Kong Hou’s talent was one of good memory. She had had this talent her entire life. She learned faster than other people, and she could recite half of the books the teacher taught after the first time.

She soon drew a simple formation on paper and gave it to Huan Zhong. “What is this?”

“Soul Storage Formation.” Huan Zhong’s expression grew ugly. These evil cultivators did not just want to use the hate of humans—they also gathered the souls and wanted to use the souls to make talismans?

Humans could only reincarnate if they had souls. If their souls were taken away and forged into evil weapons, they could never reincarnate.

Kong Hou had guessed the general intentions of these evil cultivators. She felt her chest become blocked and she spat out another mouthful of blood from her internal wounds.

Warm and comfortable spirit energy combed through the suffocating energy inside her chest. A warm hand was placed on her back like the strongest of supports.

“Wipe.” Huan Zhong handed a handkerchief to Kong Hou. Kong Hou took Huan Zhong’s handkerchief and wiped her mouth clean. She turned and saw the people were still standing in the distance and hadn’t left.

Kong Hou wiped her corners of her mouth. Huan Zhong sighed, took the handkerchief from her, and went to wipe her face. The moment the handkerchief reached Huan Zhong’s hand, it seemed to become wet and moisturizing. Huan Zhong’s movements were gentle. Kong Hou felt her face was both cool and itchy.

She averted her face, and Huan Zhong said with a smile, “Don’t move.”

“Oh.” Kong Hou puffed her cheeks and turned her face to Huan Zhong so he could wipe more easily.

Ascending, Do Not Disturb! Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ