Chapter 53: The Best

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Kong Hou turned and saw An He’s slightly impatient expression. She whispered to Huan Zhong, “Huan Zhong, is Study Master An hungry? He looks to be in a hurry—how about we walk faster?”

“Mind Manifestation cultivators have no need for food. Even if they do not eat for a year, they can support themselves using the spirit energy in the world. He will not feel any sense of hunger,” Huan Zhong said. “Maybe this is his natural expression; do not worry about it.” While the present cultivation world was not as chaotic as it was millennia ago, it still abided by “might is right.” It was not beneficial to one’s mental state to care too much about what others thought.

“Really?” Kong Hou did not quite believe Huan Zhong’s explanation and she walked a bit faster.

The tables used for the banquet were low tables carved with lucky clouds and flowers. Each table had two cushions placed on the side. The spirit-gathering formation above the hall was activated so people who stepped into the banquet hall would feel refreshed.

“Noble guests, please be seated.” An He called for the group to sit down. Servants in colorful robes quickly came and placed jade plates on the tables. The jade plates had jade covers which locked in the spirit energy. The female servants walked carefully with the plates, and their cautiousness caused the guests to unconsciously straighten their backs. They were curious what was inside the jade plates.

“Our humble sect is poor and does not have much to treat everyone with. This dish is the fish this humble sect salvaged from the spirit pools. Because they grow so slowly, they are bony and have little flesh. Noble guests, please do not object.” An He indicated for the servants to take off the covers.

The moment the jade cover was lifted, a refreshing wave of spirit energy slipped out. The cultivators were astounded. “This is the Auspicious Cloud Pattern Fish.” This kind of fish had the ability to reinforce energy and focus the mind. Ordinary people’s longevity would be extended, while cultivators would increase their cultivation and have a stronger spirit platform. This really was something rare.

They hadn’t expected Study Master An to be so generous as to use such valuable fish to treat their guests.

The fish in the plates were only the size of three fingers or so. However, all of it was treasure. Even the scales and bones were valuable medicine ingredients.

The jade plate held fish which had been deboned and beheaded, and also two small bowls of fish soup. If the people present did not have good composure, they most likely would have immediately drained the bowls of soup.

How many of those that were on the path of cultivation did not care about their longevity and cultivation?

“Everyone, please enjoy.” Seeing everyone’s shock and joy, An He was finally content. “Please have forgiveness for any missteps in our hospitality.”

The host had already taken out Auspicious Cloud Pattern Fish to treat them. If they still criticized the host for being inhospitable, they would be too shameless. Sipping the fish soup, the cultivators slowly absorbed the spirit energy from the fish soup into their bodies. They thought inside, Study Master An He was such a good host.

An He turned to look at Huan Zhong and Kong Hou who were seated together. Compared to the other cultivators, Spirit Master Huan Zhong reacted calmly. He used chopsticks to lightly pick up a small piece of fish flesh and tasted it. Then he used an unused pair of chopsticks to take up the fish belly and put it into Celestial Kong Hou’s bowl.

Celestial Kong Hou picked up the fish belly and ate it. The two exchanged a look. Spirit Master Huan Zhong showed a rare smile. An He took a sip of the fish soup and thought inside, were the two communicating using sound spells?

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