Chapter 91: Finding Joy in Hardship

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“All right, all right…” Kong Hou covered her face, her voice as weak as a mosquito’s buzz. “Then, then you cannot run ahead alone.”

Huan Zhong laughed softly and grabbed her hand. “I will walk beside you.”

“Follow behind me.” Kong Hou pulled her hand away, pointed behind her, and took the Concealment Umbrella back from Huan Zhong. “Follow closely.”

Huan Zhong looked down at his empty hand. He put his hand behind his back, put his balled up right hand to his lips and coughed fakely. “Then I will trouble Celestial Kong Hou to lead the way.”

Kong Hou: “…”

She hadn’t thought that Huan Zhong would also banter. Kong Hou turned and glared at him before flying towards the formation eye. Huan Zhong followed silently; light flashed in his hand, and the Dragon Roar sword appeared.

The boy watched as the beautiful woman and her friend flew away. His small body contained shock that did not belong to his age. Could martial experts fly higher than the city walls?

He turned his head and walked next to Lin Hu, looking at Kong Hou in the air and then looking at Lin Hu who held his sister.
“Worried for her?” Lin Hu asked.

“No”—the boy shook his head—”I am very reassured giving my sister to you.”

Even if he was not, this was his only choice for his sister to survive. He had to be reassured.

“Hold her for now.” Lin Hu saw the child was filled with worry despite his words and shoved the bundle back into his arms. “Take care of yourself. I will have to go lend a hand.”

The child carefully adjusted his grip. He found his sister looked much rosier than before and was overjoyed. Just now, when the beautiful older sister fed his sister something, he feared the other would not take his sister along if she was unhappy so he did not dare ask. Seeing his sister have a much better complexion, he guessed that the beautiful sister might have fed his sister medicine.

Did she really have a way to rescue the entire city?

He looked up at the two people in the air who had still not landed. The boy had an absurd thought—the beautiful sister… was she Immortal Kong Hou?

In the Ji Family, there were almost none that dared to state publicly they were members of the previous imperial family.

Only Princess Kong Hou who had become immortal seven years ago, and had temples built to her by the orders of the emperor, would be so free. Also, other than the divine, who would fly so freely in the sky?

Princess Kong Hou had come to save them?

The boy hugged his sister close. Had she heard their prayers?


When Kong Hou went near the eye of the formation, the powerful fiendish energy almost stopped her from breathing. Fortunately, the concealment umbrella could block the fiendish energy so she had the chance to breathe. She retreated, and held the umbrella above Huan Zhong and her own head to cover Huan Zhong. “Huan Zhong, is this formation about to form?”

“Not yet.” Huan Zhong had a dark expression as he looked at the fiendish energy spreading out of the formation. “Still not enough.”

“What is not enough?” Kong Hou had a bad feeling.

“Life,” Huan Zhong said. “This formation uses the life spans of people. Enough people have to die for the formation to form.”

Kong Hou looked at the city underneath and thought of the innocent people who had died. She said hatefully, “These animals.”

Ascending, Do Not Disturb! Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant