Chapter 34: Jealousy?

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When Lin Hu asked this in response, the atmosphere stilled for a second. Huan Zhong looked expressionlessly at Lin Hu. Lin Hu looked expressionly at him. The cold wind blew, causing Huan Zhong’s robes to sway in the wind.

“You should rest.” Huan Zhong stood up and pushed open the door to the treehouse. He lay down on the bed.

This was the first time he was so close to a female, just a door away. Simple sword skills and flowers were carved onto the walls of the treehouse, which he could see if he opened his eyes. The breathing inside the room was slow and regular. Kong Hou was in a deep sleep.

He sat up and crossed his legs to meditate. While he did not know much about how to interact with people, he could not sleep well not far from a young girl. He felt an indescribable guilt.

Spirit energy rippled inside his body and constantly collided in his limbs and meridians. After drawing spirit energy to circulate around his body, he suppressed the chaotic spirit energy. When he opened his eyes again, the sky was light. He covered his mouth and suppressed his desire to cough. Seeing no noise come from the inside room, he flew out of the treehouse. Leaning against the trunk, he covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed violently.

“Master.” Lin Hu hurriedly walked forward and handed the pills to Huan Zhong. Huan Zhong opened his handkerchief and swallowed the medicine. “Today is better than before.”

Lin Hu looked at the handkerchief in his hand. The handkerchief was not bloodied. Yes, better than previously.

It was not convenient to bathe outside. Huan Zhong went into the carriage to change clothes. When he left the carriage, he asked Lin Hu, “The cultivators last night are going to attend Primary Luck Sect’s Mind Manifestation ceremony?”

Lin Hu nodded. “People from Dragon Tiger Sect.”

“No need to pay attention to them.” Huan Zhong took two bottles of spirit liquid and several spirit fruits from Lin Hu and put them into a crystal bowl. He returned to the treehouse.

Kong Hou woke up from her dreams. She lazily rolled on the bed a few times before taking out things from her storage ring to wash and dress. When she walked into the outer room, she found spirit fruits and liquid on the table. Huan Zhong was reading a book by the window.

Seeing her appear, Huan Zhong put away the book. “Did you sleep well last night?”

Kong Hou nodded and sat down by the table. “Reading so early in the morning?”

“You want to read?” Huan Zhong put the book in front of her.

“Principles of Swordsmanship?” Kong Hou was not interested and pushed the book back. “My swordsmanship is just at a beginner’s level, and books like this are not suited to me.”

Huan Zhong handed the spirit liquid to her. “This book is really dull for non-sword cultivators.”

“You are also a sword cultivator?” Kong Hou pulled out the cork to the spirit liquid bottle and drank. A fragrant flow entered her limbs and made her feel as though all her meridians spread in pleasure. “All the sword cultivators I know like to hold their swords in their hands. I’ve never seen you hold a sword.”

“A sword cultivator cannot separate from their sword.” Huan Zhong pushed the spirit fruits in front of Kong Hou. “But when one reaches a certain level, their mind can be one with the sword. While I have no sword in hand, I have a sword in my mind.”

“While I do not quite understand, I think it is amazing.” Kong Hou took a bite of the spirit fruit and sighed. “Recently, my cultivation has stilled. I don’t know where the problem is.”

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