Chapter 128: Mockery

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“Lian Qiao Shimei, what are you looking at?”

“I am watching them.” In the tearoom, Lian Qiao sat by the window and looked at the man who was bending and waiting for the young girl to jump on his back. “Shijie, if I tell Master I am not willing to be at Spirit Master Zhong Xi’s side, will Master agree?”

The tearoom quieted. The other disciples looked worriedly at Lian Qian. “Lian Qiao, Master will punish you.”

“But they are living very well right now.” Lian Qiao showed a smile that even she was not aware of. “Seeing Celestial Kong Hou show her unworried smile, I feel that if I ruin this kind of smile, I would feel disturbed.”

The other disciples walked to the window. On the street, Celestial Kong Hou reached out and patted Spirit Master Zhong Xi’s back. She pulled his sleeve and whispered, “Don’t carry me; it’s a joke.” Spirit Master Zhong Xi gave a warm smile.

Anyone with eyes could see that Spirit Master Zhong Xi had dressed up today and looked at Celestial Kong Hou with love in his eyes.

“I also feel… they are good like this,” a younger shimei whispered, “but Master’s personality has grown colder in recent years. If you betray her wishes, being expelled from the sect might not be the worst. I fear Master will ruin your cultivation and spirit platform in her anger and send you back to the mortal world.” When she thought of this, she shuddered uncontrollably.

Lian Qiao’s fingers trembled slightly on the window, her face growing several shades whiter.
“I was joking with you—will you really carry me?” Kong Hou laughed out loud and looked at the woman leaning against the window. This woman had thin brows and bright eyes like an almond flower. So beautiful she couldn’t help but look again.

Kong Hou’s smile grew brighter. The woman against the window blushed slightly and squeezed out a smile. This smile was slightly strange, like a person’s who did not usually smile trying to make herself appear more friendly.

Seeing a smile like this, Kong Hou did not let herself show surprise but smiled even more warmly. She waved at the other before pulling Huan Zhong forward.

Seeing the young girl’s joyful back, Lian Qiao laughed out loud.

“Lian Qiao?!” The shijie closest to her looked at her in shock. “What is with you?”

Lian Qian had been raised by Master from young to not have emotions. They had almost never seen her smile in joy. They could not disguise the shock they felt seeing her laugh out loud.

“I…” The smile on Lian Qiao’s face gradually disappeared and she resumed her usual composure. “Nothing.”

That pair of eyes was so good-looking, even brighter than the brightest stars in the sky.

Huan Zhong led Kong Hou to find a teahouse mentioned in the information. When he prepared to lead her in, laughter came from the side.

“Just a few smelly salted fish are being sold for fifty spirit stones. Even in Pei City, people cannot demand prices randomly like this. You think we non-local cultivators do not know anything about the market?”

“Brother, you should rejoice this is Pei City. Otherwise, you will be beaten up for your prices.”

“Hm?” Kong Hou stopped walking and looked at the stall being surrounded by several cultivators. This vendor had a wooden hairpin in his hair. He wore loose grey robes and was sitting beside a pile of salted fish.

“If you cannot afford it, then do not buy.” The vendor waved his hand. “Leave, leave, leave.”

“Ha!” Seeing the vendor’s attitude, one cultivator almost couldn’t control his temper and was pulled away by his fellows. It would cause trouble to fight people at the base of Radiance Sect.

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