Chapter 71: Universal Paired Cultivation

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Kong Hou put her hand in Huan Zhong’s hand. This hand was large, and when the warm fingers closed, they would cover her hand completely. “Did you not just say that there will not be any problems temporarily?”

“Just temporarily,” Huan Zhong said. “The secret realm can change instantly, and one wrong step could cause any injury.” Gripping Kong Hou’s hand, Huan Zhong took a step forward. “How is your skill at formations?”

“Just learned the beginning; I am still memorizing the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams map. I have never made a formation on my own.” Kong Hou coordinated Huan Zhong’s steps. Huan Zhong’s legs were long, but he did not walk quickly. She could perfectly match his steps.

“Formations are not like other skills; it is better to learn slowly. “Just as he finished, Huan Zhong brandished the Dragon Roar Sword in his hand. A strange black bird fell from the sky, the body and head separated by the sword energy. Kong Hou peeked at this bird and found that the bird had two pairs of wings.

Stepping on the ground covered in dried leaves and tree branches which crackled, Kong Hou glanced at the small stream where flowers floated. Her index finger scratched in Huan Zhong’s palm. “Huan Zhong, this stream is strange.”

There were no flower trees nearby, which meant the flower petals had fallen into the water from upstream. However, as the water flowed, some flowers would land on the shore or turn color in the water. Yet there were no flower petals lingering by the shores of the stream. The petals were all vibrantly colored and had not been soaked in water as they floated on the surface.

Huan Zhong stopped and looked at Kong Hou with appreciation. “Sometimes, beautiful scenery is a dangerous trap.” The Dragon Roar Sword gave off a bright light in his hand. He swung, and a gale carried up dried leaves. The stream did not flow at all.

Kong Hou blinked. When she looked at the stream again, she found this was not a small stream, but a seemingly bottomless valley. If one was accidentally attracted by the beautiful scenery and stepped into the stream, even if they did not trip and become crippled, they would be bruised. That would destroy their beauty.

When the master of the secret realm left behind this secret realm, they must have spent some effort.

Feeling a chill run down her spine, Kong Hou grabbed Huan Zhong’s sleeve. “Huan Zhong, what is actually real in here?”

“Sometimes, your eyes will fool you, but your heart will not.” Huan Zhong pulled Kong Hou to fly over the canyon. “What is false can never become true; if one observes closely, they will find the hints. Also, the master of this secret realm does not want people to die; they wanted to exercise the cultivators who came here, so every illusion will have a weakness.”

“It seems that the original master of the secret realm was a good person.” After Huan Zhong’s reminder, Kong Hou started to seriously observe the surroundings. She quickly found that at the fork in the path up ahead, the path to the north was true, and the one to the west was false.

“The cultivators who are able to leave behind a secret realm in Lingyou World are all great powers who can ascend. The moment they ascend, they hope that more of their juniors can ascend.” Huan Zhong looked around. “The worldly treasures in the secret realm are the gift of elders to their juniors.”

The cultivation manuals passed down in the major sects were cultivation experiences accumulated over generations of great powers. They had been added to and edited hundreds of times. This was the valuable wealth that elders left behind.

“I understand.” Kong Hou nodded. “Just like after someone gets rich, they will help their fellow villagers.”

Huan Zhong: “…”

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