Chapter 112: Try

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Hearing Kong Hou say something was wrong with her cultivation, Huan Zhong pulled her into his arms in a panic and channeled spirit energy into her body to search her meridians. A person’s body ought to have an energy sea and hundreds of meridian points. Any place could not go wrong.

He carefully went through Kong Hou’s meridians and didn’t find anything wrong. He feared he had missed a place, and redid a search from head to toe. He still found nothing wrong.

As Kong Hou lay in Huan Zhong’s arms, the warmth of his body reached her face through the cloth. Her heart beat even faster.

The spirit energy took several revolutions around Kong Hou’s body. Huan Zhong, who could not find a problem, picked her up his arms. “I will take you to see Peak Master Qing Yuan.”

“Wait.” Kong Hou pulled Huan Zhong’s clothing and whispered, “Why don’t we wait a moment? Maybe I am fine?” Otherwise, she would definitely get laughed at by the disciples of Daybreak Cloud Peak.

“You cannot be careless with problems of the body. Be good.” Huan Zhong patted her head. “When something went wrong with my mental state, I felt it was a minor problem. Who knew…”

Hearing Huan Zhong speak of his problem, Kong Hou suddenly felt her heart was not beating so quickly. Even her breathing smoothed out. She bit her lip. “Huan Zhong, put me down. I really am fine.”

Huan Zhong hesitated. Seeing that Kong Hou had smooth circulation of spirit energy and no other special signs except a red face, he moved to put her on the bed. “Sit properly. I will sort out your meridians again.”
Kong Hou sat cross-legged. After closing her eyes, her mind was completely focused on the pair of hands on her back.

“Focus and breathe.” Huan Zhong noticed that Kong Hou was not focused and reminded, “Do not change your breathing.”

Kong Hou did not dare to think more. She allowed Huan Zhong to control spirit energy and comb her meridians over and over.

After focusing, her heart gradually calmed.

Two hours later, Huan Zhong pulled his hands away and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her face. “Rest a while.”

Kong Hou grabbed at the jade belt at his waist so he could not rise and leave. “Stay here and keep me company.”

Looking down at her hand that gripped his belt, Huan Zhong sat back down. “All right, rest well.”

Kong Hou did not have a good sleep. For some inexplicable reason, she thought of the black-robed woman who had married a nomad cultivator, and Queen Qing Luo who had turned into a ghost out of discontent and misunderstood the king for a millennium.

The red flowers covering the mountains were beautiful, but Queen Qing Luo and her king were fated to never meet again in their future lifetimes. Was this kind of feeling the love that protagonists of stories desired?

She opened her eyes. Huan Zhong was still sitting next to her. There was no lit lamp in the cave. He was not reading, just sitting there silently, and made Kong Hou feel his continuous presence was as expected.

“Awake?” Huan Zhong looked down at her with gentleness. He bent and put a bottle of spirit liquid to her mouth. “Today, we won’t make seals and will rest for a day.”

“Huan Zhong…” Kong Hou climbed up from the bed and played with the bottle in her hand. “Do you remember the black-robed woman?”

“I remember.” Huan Zhong nodded.

“Do you think she regrets it?” She looked down. “Throwing away her sect and disciples to roam with her love. But she received betrayal.” She sympathized with the black-robed woman, but could not understand her.

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