Chapter 26: Ripples

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“Sir, is this servant not pretty enough that you invite other women to our residence?” The female servant next to the man smiled seductively, her hand on the man’s arm as she looked out of the corner of her eye at Kong Hou.

“Of course you are the best, but your master likes all kinds of flowers and cannot bear to have such a beauty living alone at the inn.” The man gave the female servant a kiss. Waving the glittering fan in his hand, he smiled thinly, “Don’t you think so, Beauty?”

He thought that this female would panic or be angry, but surprisingly, the other’s large beautiful eyes seemed… excited?

What was she excited about? Shouldn’t he be the one excited at propositioning a beauty? When he propositioned others, when others showed panic, fear, and terror, he felt a feeling of accomplishment. This gaze filled with curiosity and excitement did not excite him, but made him feel as though he was the one being propositioned.

As a wastrel, he felt extremely dissatisfied.

“Are you propositioning me?” The young girl dressed in green walked to his table and looked down at him. Her eyes reflected his figure. He subconsciously moved back a fraction. “This lord sees you have some beauty and is willing to proposition you, understand?”

“Oh?” The young woman nodded, crossing her arms. “According to the usual trend of events, someone will soon come to sort out wastrels like you.”

Du Jing slapped the table and said smugly, “Why don’t you go out and see who in Mound City dares to sort me out? Do you know who I am?”

“I don’t want to know.” Kong Hou saw that this wastrel only had Energy Refinement fifth level cultivation, and did not want to pay attention to him. She turned and gave the money to the innkeeper. “Give me a first-class room.”

“Honored Transcendent, please wait for a moment.” The innkeeper quickly made a registration and beckoned for a maid dressed in grey clothing to lead Kong Hou to her room. Along the way, he put away everything of value that was on the table. People in his profession needed a good pair of eyes. Master Du Jing and this honored transcendent might start fighting.

“Stop!” Du Jing stood up from his chair and pointed at Kong Hou with his fan. “Did I let you go?”

“All right.” Kong Hou stopped walking. “Since you are so determined to let me know who you are, then speak—who are you?”

“I am the son of the mayor of Mound City, Du Jing.” Du Jing spun the fan in his hand. “I see you are travelling alone, and you do not look like a disciple of the major sects. What are you doing roaming around?”

“What does travelling alone have to do with my sect?” Kong Hou tsked. “Cultivation has nothing to do with pomp, or do you need a group of people carrying a sedan and throwing around flower petals like being on stage acting a play?”

“Innkeeper, clean up the best yard you have here.” The wind rose, carrying snowflakes and flower petals, as several women dressed in colored clothing walked in. Their bodies gave off a flower fragrance, and their expression was frosty as though everyone else in the surroundings did not exist.

The woman walking at the center had a silk covering over her face. Her sunset colored celestial dress flowed with light, and she looked like a goddess.

All the guests in the hall turned silent. The servants seemed used to the ordinary people being dumbstruck and snorted. One servant girl threw spirit stones at the innkeeper. “Make sure it is clean; our celestial cannot endure any uncleanliness.”

After ordering this, she bowed and picked up the copper stove she had been carrying. She ushered her master towards the back, leaving behind a ground covered in flower petals and fragrance.

Ascending, Do Not Disturb! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora