Chapter 41: Gift Giving

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“Shishu is in the company… of a female disciple of Splendid Cloud Sect.” The disciple’s voice weakened as he buried his head, not daring to meet the sect master’s eyes.

Song He, sitting at the side, saw Jin Yue reacting so greatly and said, “I’ve seen this Miss Kong Hou of Splendid Cloud Sect. Extremely talented, lively and easy-going, a very likable girl.” While she liked to secretly read storybooks, it was not a mistake as all young girls had some of their habits. “Shizhi is an aloof person and ignorant about the world. It is fortunate for him to travel with this girl.”

Jin Yue thought, a few days ago when Heng Yan had sent him a letter of thanks, he had thought the other was being polite, not that it was actually true. The disciples of Splendid Cloud Sect mostly were easy-going and free, so she would most likely be insulted when travelling with his apprentice. Thinking about Splendid Cloud Sect’s protectiveness, if Miss Kong Hou really was insulted by his apprentice, they would not give him any face.

Thinking it over, he immediately sent a message to Sky Sect’s shop in Yi City and had them send people to wait by the gates. When his apprentice entered the city, they would prepare for him some things that young girls liked. His apprentice did not have a likeable personality, so he could only use material things to gain favor.

After arranging all this, he prepared gifts for an apprentice of the sect to deliver in person to Splendid Cloud Sect to express to them his gratefulness. Hopefully, Splendid Cloud Sect would see his sincerity and not make a ruckus.

Huan Zhong, who did not know that his old master was worrying for him, took out a clean brush made out of forging seals. Sitting cross-legged on the ground with Kong Hou, he brushed oil on the mushrooms, uncaring that droplets of oil splashed onto his robes.

A rack had been built by the firewood. The fire had been banked and was waiting for the mountain mushrooms to go onto the rack.

“Huan Zhong, should we brush salt now or wait until they are almost done?” Kong Hou put the mushroom skewers onto the rack. The mushrooms hissed. Huan Zhong stared at the mountain mushrooms on the rack. After a moment of silence, he put the mushroom skewers in his hand on as well. “Both are possible.”

Soon, the mushrooms gave off a clean fragrance. Huan Zhong flipped the mushrooms and said to Kong Hou, “Kong Hou, there are two bottles of jade bee honey in the first drawer on the left inside the carriage. The second drawer has several of Talented Author’s storybooks—could you get them for me?”

“All right.” Kong Hou put the mushrooms that were almost burnt black into a basket beside her and walked towards the carriage. When she stepped in, Huan Zhong turned to look at Lin Hu. Lin Hu turned his head and pretended not to see his gaze.

Huan Zhong continued to stare silently at him.

Lin Hu turned his head. “Master, it is not good to lie to little girls.”

Huan Zhong bent his head and looked at the cooked mountain mushrooms in Lin Hu’s hands silently.

Under Huan Zhong’s pressuring gaze, Lin Hu silently traded the mountain mushrooms in his hands for Huan Zhong’s. Wiping away the oil on the back of his hand, Lin Hu sighed. The cultivation world was a great dye tank. The good master has also learned these shameless tactics.

Hearing footsteps coming from behind, the master and servant tacitly turned their eyes away. Huan Zhong picked up the brush to put more oil on the already cooked mountain mushrooms as though nothing had happened.

“Huan Zhong.” Kong Hou came in with the storybooks and jade bee honey. “So fragrant, Huan Zhong. You are done?”

“Yes.” Ignoring Lin Hu’s gaze, Huan Zhong took the jade and gently brushed it over the mountain mushrooms. “I’ve never done this before. If it is not good to eat, just spit it out.”

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