V21 - Chapter 250 Beachhead

Start from the beginning

Thrilled by the news, it seemed that the enemy was not prepared to counter their landing. Unlike the Alcatris Region, which has many forests and mountain terrain like in the Pacific Northwest, this region seems to be more like the Great Plains of the Midwest. Outside of a few small forests and hills, nothing but a sea of grass as far as someone can see so there was a fear that the enemy could easily spot and counter as the Airborne were regrouping.

He knew this peace would not last. If the enemy were smart, they would try to overrun their beachhead before they could amass enough troops to counterattack. However, if the reports are true about the enemy plans, then it might not matter. If Darlko opens their Gate, then no amount of troop level here would be enough to counter that.

After everyone got their gear together, Vanguard-5 left their drop zone and headed through the tall grassy meadows. Delilah took point as she agreed to be their scout. While not from this region of the Great Plains, her people once originated and preferred the open plains.

Two uneventful hours passed by, to Bailey's surprise. He wondered if the enemy even knew they were here or that they had gotten used to combat conductions in Alcatris. The one benefit was witnessing the multiple lonely mountains scattered in the distance. All of them remind him of Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Delilah explained that these types of mountains were scattered everywhere.

As the unit spoke, everyone froze as Delilah signed for everyone to stop. In the tall grass ahead, they heard a noise.

Hicks directed two Rangers to investigate while everyone else had their weapons ready. As the two Rangers approached, two neko's rolled from the grass. They fell flat onto the ground and saw everyone. Out of fear they quickly hugged each other as they stared at the Americans. It became clear that this was the first time they had ever seen any from Earth.

"Hold your fire," Hicks ordered. "They are just kids."

"Should we contain them?" James asked. "They might give up our position."

"No, let them be," Bailey said. "The enemy has to know we are here, and we are in no condition to drag them around."

Delilah told the neko's to run, which they quickly listened.

Deciding to reach the rally point as quickly as possible, Vanguard-5 continued their march through the tall grass. On the way, they linked up with Captain Charlie Johnson's team, Vanguard-2 who also reported the lack of enemy contact.

After an hour of marching and having little contact with the wildlife, the group reached the rally point. A large open field where hundreds of Airborne and Rangers were gathering. While it was hard to see, in the distance Bailey already saw engineers starting to construct the makeshift airfield. Soldiers making sandbag bunkers and digging foxholes. No time was being wasted as everyone prepared for reinforcements from Alnus.

Seeing where the Rangers Command Post was located, close to the 1st Brigade Command Post. Bailey ordered the team to do an equipment check and prepare to be deployed while he went to meet up with Colonel John Yang.

"I am impressed how quickly you guys can establish a base," Delilah commented as gazed around. "It should be no time before the airfield will be built."

"We still have a few days," Bailey said. "But when you are single focus and with little red tape you can accomplish a surprising a lot quickly."

"Do you think we will win?" Delilah asked. "I know this is not how your kind likes to fight."

"Challenge breeds greatness as my superiors would say," Bailey said. "This might not be the fight we want but we will remind them why they should fear us."

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