Chapter 1- It's Nice to Dream

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Part 1- The Eternal Ones

 "How are your nightmares, any better?" Dad asks as we walk along the shore.

"I wish, but I swear they just keep getting worse. I talked to Mom about them, but she seems to shut down every time I bring it up. Is she mad at me or something?" I ask as I stop to look back at the trees. Dad sighs as he looks down at his feet, trying to figure out the right words.

"Valerie has been through a lot. Even though it's been nearly twenty years, what happened still gets to her just as much as it did when it happened." he explains calmly "She's strong, but I can't even begin to explain what all he put her through. Losing you the first time was just the tip of the iceberg."

"I understand that... I think. I just feel like you're both not telling me everything. I'm practically an adult now, you don't need to hide anything from me anymore." I explain defensively.

"Sweetheart, I know you are." he says calmly as he pulls me into his arms, lightly kissing my forehead "A lot of what happened isn't my place to say. Some things may be better left in the past where they belong."

"But daddy, I-"

"Breeze, this isn't up for negotiation. I'm sorry." He says sternly as he lets go "When she's ready, she'll tell you the truth."

"Fine," I huff as we continue walking "But I can't be left in the dark forever."

"Who can tell me the name of the shipwreck tucked away in Lolani's Cove?" Miss Ashley asks. I look around at the class as everyone stays silent, I can't tell if they're not paying attention or if they all really don't know. Suddenly, Quil raises his hand.

"The S.S Lobelia," Quil answers confidently. I watch as Jewel and Gregory seem to giggle at him in the back of the class. I could never figure out why, but they always mocked those of us who actually gave a shit in class. My theory was that it was to mask their stupidity.

"Very good. This ship was wrecked here back in the mid-sixteen-hundreds, led by Captain Josephine Rivera. Josephine was the second incarnation of the goddess Eliana after she was missing for four generations. As we discussed yesterday, Eliana was the twin to her brother Elias, who at that time was known as Blaze." Miss Ashley explains "Now, what were the names of their other two siblings during this generation?" she asks as she looks around at us all "Tessa?" she suddenly calls on me. I suddenly sit up straight as I sense everyone watching me.

"Serene and Zade." I say nervously "They were the children of Cassandra and Ruthus."

"Yes, thank you." Miss Ashley suddenly steps over to her desk and lifts up an antique sword with a curved blade "Serene fought Josephine one on one after she and her crew attempted to invade, using the catacombs as a back entrance. Serene showed a full display of her power, flushing them out. After crossing swords and being equally matched, who stepped in to help her?" she asks as she looks around the room "Jewel?" Suddenly Jewel freezes. It was clear that she was barely paying attention, and even if she was, I doubt she would have known the answer.

"Um, that would be... Zade?" she answers, her voice uneasy.

"Maybe if you would stop flirting with your friend there you would actually learn something for once." Miss Ashley scoffs, Pearl and I look at each other and can't help but to laugh. "Pearl, you seem happy back there. Can you give us the actual answer?"

"Of course," Pearl answers respectfully "It was Umbree, she swung off of the ship and knocked Josephine down. After realizing that they had bested her, she called off her men and they escorted them to the dungeons."

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