Chapter 8: USJ Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Hey handsome, how about some personal bubble space." I poke Bakugo in the chest and push him back into his seat.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Bakugo screams at me again, not moving away but instead facing me once again almost nose to nose, only this time I have a smug expression on my face since he's been getting teased so much, something I have a feeling has never happened to him before. He strikes me as someone who has always been fawned over, at least just judging on how he doesn't seem to have a thick skin to teasing.

"Shut up and sit down, we're here." Aizawa cuts off all conversation loudly as we approach a huge building.

"Time to rescue people. Hope you end up being a damsel, Bakugo, can't wait to save you." I tease the angry boy as I stand up and quickly exit the bus before he retorts, meeting up with Kirishima and Kaminari quickly as we all laugh and walk into the building.

"It's the rescue hero, Thirteen!" Uraraka and Midoriya both squeal out when they spot the space suit wearing hero outside the building.

"Welcome students to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short." Thirteen states grandly as we walk inside and they describe all the different zones within. Thirteen goes on to explain more about the facility and several added on thoughts and rules of the place for a while, constantly adding on an extra rules though as they talk.

I grow super excited, this is exactly what my father's agency specializes in, different elements and adapting how to both rescue and attack within them. Gale Storm himself may specialize more in long range offensive attacks, but he's still super well known for his rescues during potential devastating natural disasters.

Thirteen went on to describe how our quirks can all be potentially dangerous and lethal, and that's a concept I hadn't really thought of too much before. But as they were talking, I began to contemplate that. My quirk can be used to kill easily since I could literally deprive someone of oxygen, or when I use it to make slices of wind, one of those misplaced could harm a bystander.

I was lost in thought about potential lethal uses of my quirk when suddenly all the lights went out in the stadium.

"Thirteen! Get the kids out of here!" Aizawa suddenly yells out, causing us all to go on edge.

"Hey, what's that thing?" Kirishima asks nervously, pointing to the center of the USJ. There, we can see a large swirling purple smoke thing, and out of it are dozens of people all spilling out. I doubt this has anything to do with our training, and since both our teachers are looking dead serious and also worried, I take my staff out of the pouch, just to be ready.

"Is this a part of the training?" Kaminari asks, taking a step forward to see along with a few other students. Kirishima starts to take a step forward too from my side, but I extend my staff and block his path at the same time Aizawa yells back at us.

"Stay back!" Aizawa yells. "This is real, those are villains. Kaminari, try and reach the school with your quirk, alert them of what's happening."

"My gear is getting jammed, I can't reach out." Kaminari answers after he tries to reach out with his ear piece radio gear.

Aizawa then made a damn cool statement to us all about Pro's having more than one trick after Midoriya freaked out about him going to face all those villains alone. I gained a new respect for the tired teacher, but still worried about him facing all those numbers alone. Hopefully once we're out, Thirteen can get back inside quickly and help him. That hope seemed to dwindle as our exit was abruptly blocked after the black haired hero left us.

"Greetings, we are the League of Villains." The purple mist suddenly appeared between us and the exit. He went on to do an oddly polite evil monologue, talking about the fall of All Might here. That's the part that's odd to me about his speech, he seemed to focus on All Might specifically, but the number one hero isn't even here for this. That almost seems like a flaw in their plans, I wonder if he was meant to be here.

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