A Rainy Night

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Seems like this whole baby thing is not gonna go well. I was talking with Richard yesterday and he thinks Jade and I should give our baby to someone who can care for her the right way. Whatever the right way is. I'm thinking he's right. Maybe Jade will too. It would probably be better for all of us.

(A late night in town, Roy and Jade are eating dinner at the Sizzle Star.)

"I'm still shocked you agreed to come with me." Roy says before taking a bite of his pasta.
"I only came because you said we needed to talk. So what's it about?"
"I think we should give the baby up for adoption."
".....no." Jade angrily grimaces at Roy.
"Sigh...Jade, look. I know we both wanted to give this a try, but let's face it. We aren't ready to be parents."
"Who is, Roy?"
"People who wait and plan. People who have a stable situation. Jade, maybe we could do it, but would the baby be happy?"
"I'm not giving her up. Get that idea out of your head. I've seen her on the ultrasound. I can't just forget her image. It doesn't matter what I have to do, but I'll do it for her with or without you."
"I should've known you would feel so strong about this."
"You're right. You should've."
"I want to know one thing."
"Are you still doing criminal work?"
"No. At least not right now."
"Jade, I don't want the baby involved in that. I don't care what you decide for yourself, but otherwise, keep her out of it? Alright?"
"Don't worry about her, Roy. She's always gonna be safe in my care. Now if you'll excuse me." Jade grabs her bag and stands up.
"Where are you going?" Roy stands up in front of her.
"Get out of my way."
"Why are you so angry with me?"
"We've traveled down this road already, Roy."
"I know, but...sigh. Forget it." Roy moves aside.
"Goodnight." Jade says before walking out of the restaurant.
"That woman.....Jade! Wait!" Roy runs after her.
"What now?! Can't a girl just go home?!"

Immediately Roy grabs Jade, anxiously forcing his lips against hers before she painfully shoves him away.

"Are you insane?!" Jade slaps Roy.
"Ugh..probably." Roy quickly kisses her again.
"Mmm! Ugh! Roy! Stop it!"
"Just come by my place for the night and I promise that I'll leave you alone."
"Why would I waste my time coming over there? It's crowded and dirty."
"I'll clean it up."
"Yeah right." Jade scoffs.
"Come on, Jade. It could be fun."
"Roy, you're the biggest pig I've ever met!"
"I just want to spend some time with you."
"I guess I miss you, alright!" Roy blurts as Jade looks at him, slightly stunned.
"Ok, fine! But only for an hour and then I go home. Got it?"
"Got it." Roy nods, attempting to hold back a grin.

(After a rainy motorcycle drive to Roy's place, they finally get inside the apartment.)

"Sorry about the mess. I will clean it up."
"It's been worse."
"Here. Dry yourself off." Roy hands her a black and white striped towel.
"Thanks. I didn't know it was gonna rain."
"Yeah. I heard but sorta forgot."
"So...uh...what now?"
"We could watch tv. Cartoons? Your favorite."
"Sure." Jade replies as she relaxes on the couch while Roy covers her with a soft blanket."
"Yeah. Thank you."
"If you need anything, just ask." Roy sits beside her.

(Within thirty minutes of watching cartoons, Jade quickly falls asleep against Roy's shoulder.)

"Always the prettiest dreamer." Roy whispers, quietly admiring Jade peacefully resting. Slowly Roy's eyes wonder towards her stomach, noticing how big she has grown.
"Sigh...a father. This is insane. We're both too young. There's no way we're gonna be able to do this."
"Hello?" Roy quietly answers Jade's phone.
"Hey. Is this Jade?" A young, masculine voice responds.
"Who is this?"
"Richard Grayson. Who's this?"
"Why are you calling?"
"Uh...is this the wrong number?"
"Why are you calling?!"
"Look. Whoever this is, will you just tell Jade that I had a good time the other night."
"What?!" Roy yells, startling Jade awake.
"Roy? Who is that?" Jade sits up.
"Uuhhh...your mom." Roy quickly hangs up the phone.
"Oh. What did she want?"
"Ugh! It wasn't your mom! It was Richard!"
"Why did you lie?"
"Why did you two go out the other night?!"
"I'll tell you if you stop yelling at me. Not that it's any of your business."
"Oh really?" Roy furiously crosses his arms.
"We ran into each other the other day and he asked me if I wanted to go out later. I said yes. Happy?"
"No! So what now?! Are you two dating?!"
"Don't be stupid. He was just being nice. Why do you care?"
"You know why."
"You already made your decision, Roy. Don't try and control me now."
"Should I call Richard to take you home?"
"You're such a child!"
"Oh I am, huh!?"
"Yes! Nothing that's happened between us has ever been enough to make you grow up! I thought that maybe me getting pregnant would help, but it hasn't! I want someone mature! Someone who is willing to sacrifice everything for me! You just dropped me off the minute I became work!"
"I wanted to give us a real chance! I thought that if I worked and saved money, maybe it could eventually work!"
"You say that, but had you really cared, you wouldn't have made me feel so alone." Jade lowers her head as tears begin to fall down her face.
"Jade, I don't know how to help you see that I'm so sorry. I wish I could change what I did to you." Roy gently lifts Jade's chin up as he wipes away her tears.
"It's not fair." Jade lowers her head against Roy's chest.
"What's not fair?"
"What do you mean?"
"I...I just miss this. Me being so close to you. You holding me. But I'm still frustrated with you."
"Jade, we could have this again."
"I know, but I'm just not ready." Jade backs away.
"No, Roy. I know that you're sorry, and I do forgive you. But right now, I just need to focus on my...our baby." Jade says as she begins to walk towards the door.
"Listen, if you need anything, call. Alright?"

Suddenly Jade turns around and walks up to Roy, relentlessly kissing him

"Thanks for dinner. And...the kiss. Somehow I think I needed it."
"Uh...you're welcome?" Roy raises a brow.
"Jade. Stay here for the night. I can make you a bed. Besides, it's so late already."
"I don't know." Jade hesitates.
"Come on."
"Sigh...Fine. But just for tonight."
"Great. Give me a minute and I'll get you some blankets."
"Ok." Jade replies as Roy walks away.
"Riiiinnnnggg, Riinnnnggg."
"Hello?" Paula answers.
"Hey mom. It's Jade."
"I figured you'd be calling soon."
"Right, well I'm gonna stay the night at a friends house so I won't be home tonight."
"Ok. Be careful and call when you leave."
"I will. Bye."
"Bye honey."

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