Camp Out (part 2)

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(After eating breakfast, the group decides to go exploring through the subway.)

"So, should we split up?" Barbara asks.
"Totally. I'll go with Roy and you go with Jade." Richard smirks.
"Yeah, great idea." Roy rolls his eyes.
"Fine. Whatever." Jade replies.
"What happened? Thought you and Roy weren't a thing?" Barbara says while they walk down the subway.
"We're not! Why is that so hard to understand?" Jade glares.
"Maybe because you two were snuggling this morning."
"We weren't snuggling. We just got cold and..."
"Mmhmm. Oh come on, Jade! Admit it! You like him."
"I do not! Ok, fine. We kissed a little too much last night, but we didn't do anything else."
"Does it matter? You kissed. That kinda makes you two a thing." Barbara smiles.
"No it doesn't. We just let things get out of hand. Nothing more. And don't you dare spread this around school. Nothing is going on. We aren't dating or anything."
"Bummer. You two would be so cute together. A redhead and a raven. So adorable!"
"Don't get all gushy. It's never gonna happen. Now let's drop it."
"Ok. Whatever you say."
"Cool thing about you and Jade." Richard grins.
"What are you talking about?" Roy replies.
"Like you don't know."
"You mean this morning."
"Duh! So what happened last night?"
"We talked and that's it."
"That didn't look like that was it this morning. Who knew you liked to snuggle." Richard teases.
"She was cold."
"We brought blankets."
"Ok, look. Maybe I just don't want to tell you."
"Why not?"
"Because you run your mouth."
"I promise. I won't say anything."
"Sigh, whatever."
"We kissed."
"A lot?"
"A lot. And then she fell asleep next to me."
"Dude! You don't waste time!"
"I mean about getting a date."
"We're not dating. Jade would never be ok with that."
"Would you?"
"I'm not opposed to it."
"I knew it!"
"Let's just leave it alone. Alright?"
"Aw! Ok."
"Hey! Check this out!" Roy exclaims, walking into a small room.
"What is it?"
"It looks like a chemistry room for venoms."
"Venoms? Like Bane?"
"Not exactly. They look different."
"Hmm...maybe we should inform Batman."
"Good idea."
"Batman, come in." Richard calls on his intercom.
"What is it, Robin?" Batman answers.
"Roy and I just came across a room full of venoms and the materials to make them."
"Collect a few samples and come right away."
"Batman, out."
"Sigh, Batman wants us to collect some samples and leave." Richard says.
"What? Ugh! Can't he wait?" Roy groans.
"No. Come on. Help me."
(Once they retrieved some samples, Richard and Roy head back to their camping spot.)

"Hey. We were wondering when you two would be back." Jade smiles.
"Sorry. We got a little side tracked." Roy says.
"What are those?"
"Uhhh...nothing." Roy replies, quickly hiding the venoms behind his back.
"So, did you guys see anything or anyone?" Barbara asks.
"No. Nothing. But we really need to get back." Richard says.
"Why?" Jade frowns.
"Because Richard's dad just called and said he has an emergency and needs him there." Roy interrupts.
"Exactly. I really need to get back home."
"What! Awww! But we we're having such a great time!" Barbara whines.
"Calm down. We'll come back another time." Roy replies.
"Sigh, ok. Let's start packing." Jade says, picking up her sleeping bag.

(After dropping Barbara and Jade off, Roy and Richard drive straight to the Bat cave.)

"We're here!" Richard hollers.
"Good. Bring me the samples." Batman says.
"Here." Roy grumbles.

(Soon the tests were completed along with fingerprint searching.)

"Apparently the venoms are fish toxins." Batman says.
"Fish toxins?" Roy raises a brow.
"Yes. Puffer and jellyfish toxins. And the criminal behind it is Cheshire."
"What?! How would she get ahold of fish toxins?" Richard asks.
"I'm not sure, but she did. Her fingerprints match up with someone you two know."
"Who?" Roy replies, crossing his arms.
"Jade Nguyen."
"What?!" Roy and Richard blurt.
"But why?" Richard says.
"I don't know, but you should be careful around her. And maybe try getting information if possible."
"I'm not going to take advantage of her, Batman. She's my friend. I don't agree with her lifestyle choices but there has got to be a reason for them. Maybe her parents. She talks about them like they control her." Roy glares before walking away.
"Keep a sharp eye on her, Dick. I don't trust her."
"Sure, Batman."

(Later that day, Roy goes over to Jade's house.)

"Knock knock."
"Huh? Who are you?" Lawrence grumbles while opening the door.
"I'm Jade's friend. Is she here?" Roy firmly replies.
"Yeah, she's here."
"Great. May I come in?"
"Tell me, why should I let you around my daughter?"
"Is there even a right answer to that?"
"Alright, come in. I like a little spunk in a boy. Unfortunately I got too much with Jade. That mistake." Lawrence growls, stepping aside to let Roy in.
"Maybe if you really knew her, you'd think differently."
"Too much spunk. Keep your mouth shut and come inside before I kick you out. Her rooms that way."

"Jade? Can I come in?" Roy says, knocking on the door.
"Roy?! Uh...yeah! One sec!" Jade blurts, scrambling to get cleaned up while trying to quickly organize her room.
"Ok! Come in!"

As Roy walks in, the blare of teen rock music and scent of bubble gum fills the room.

"Uhhh...hey?" Roy raises a brow, noticing the messy decor of weapons and black lace.
"Hi. Come in. You can shut the door." Jade says, quickly standing up and tossing her old gum in the trash.
"Thanks. Nice dad."
"Yeah right." Jade laughs.
"Mind if I sit?"
"Go ahead." Jade smiles while scooting over.
"Thanks. Look Jade. I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What is it?"
"Uhhh..." Roy hesitates.
"Come on, Roy. Spit it out."
"Jade...I know your secret."
"What secret?"
"Come on, Jade! Don't make me say it!" Roy stands up and yells.
"Say what? And why are you yelling?"
"I just wish you told me. I thought we trusted each other."
"We do." Jade replies, standing up and walking towards Roy.
"Roy? Is this about last night?" Jade smirks.
"No. It's..."
"Because I wanted to talk to you about that too."
"Jade it's not! I know your Cheshire!"
"What? What are you talking about?" Jade stands back, crossing her arms.
"Don't lie to me. You said we're friends, so be honest. Are you Cheshire?"
"Yes. And I'm assuming you're asking because you already know somehow." Jade glares.
"You're right. But I can't tell you."
"Oh! So you can demand that I tell you but you won't tell me?!"
"Yes! I mean, no!"
"How did you find out?!"
"Because I'm Speedy."
"Speedy? Seriously?" Jade laughs.
"I'm not kidding." Roy growls.
"Of course you are. Why wouldn't you be anything but the boy who's been irritating me for the past couple weeks."
"Jade, please don't say anything."
"I can't. You know my secret. Why would I tell yours?"
"Good point.
"So, what now?"
"Now I'm gonna try and convince you to stop."
"I knew you would."
"Jade, this isn't good. Stealing. Vandalizing. Not only is it dangerous, but it's wrong." Roy says, grabbing ahold of Jade's shoulders.
"I know, Roy. But it's who I am."
"No it's not. You're better than this."
"Why do you think that? Because we hung out and kissed a couple times?"
"No. Because I've gotten to see the kind of girl you are. If anything, join my team."
"No thanks. Not my style."
"What is your style?"
"Roy, stop it. I'm not gonna join your little club and I'm not gonna stop being Cheshire."
"Jade, you told me you didn't want your parents running your life. Tell me. Is this what you were talking about?"
"Sorta. I'm just not cut out for being a good guy. I've been well trained for what I do, so why stop."
"Because it hurts people, Jade. You're taking from others and fighting those who are trying to stop crime."
"Then what do you propose I do?"
"I'll make you a deal. You try fighting against crime with me for two weeks and after that, if you still hate it, I'll leave you alone. Ok?"
"Leave me alone as in?"
"I won't try and change who you want to be. I won't agree with it, but I'll learn to accept it."
"Alright. Sure. It's a deal." Jade grins.

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