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I'm looking forward to the fair this weekend. It's gonna be awesome! They have a competition for archery. I'm gonna win. I know it. And best of all, the winner gets to take home one hundred big bucks! It's nothing to some, but to me, it's my ticket to buying better archery equipment.

(Roy, Wally, Richard and Barbara are walking to their favorite diner after school on a warm Friday.)

"So, you guys and uh, girl going to the fair this weekend?" Roy asks.
"Totally! Nachos, churros, barbecue! It's gonna be great!" Wally exclaims.
"You bet! I'm all in! Rides and game! I can't wait!" Richard says.
"Are going Barbara?" Richard continues.
"Of course! The fair is gonna have a science show! I can't miss that." Barbara replies.
"Geek." Roy grins.
"Hey!" Barbara glares.
"Science shows" Richard hesitates.
"See! I knew you'd understand, Richard." Barbara smiles.
"Ooooooh!" Wally elbows Richard.
"Shut up." Richard frowns.
"So, is Jade gonna come?" Wally smirks at Roy.
"I don't know." Roy shrugs.
"Why don't you ask her yourself, Wally." Richard grins, noticing Jade walking up behind them.
"Hey Jade." Roy smiles.
"Hi Roy."
"Wally has a question for you."
"Oh he does?" Jade says.
"Yeah. Are you coming to the fair with us?" Wally asks.
"Hmmmm...maybe. If someone invited me." Jade smirks, looking at Roy.
"Dude. Invite her." Wally exclaims.
"Sigh, fine.Wanna come, Jade?" Roy irritatedly asks.
"Sure....unless I have to wash my hair." Jade smirks.
"Wash your hair? Uh...ok?" Roy raises a brow.
"I'm kidding. I'll come." Jade snickers.
"Dude...she's hot." Wally whispers, elbowing Roy.
"Wally, Seriously?" Roy glares.

(After arriving at the diner, everyone sits down to order their food.)

"What'll it be, sugars?" The waitress smiles.
"Chocolate milkshake and fries, Betty." Richards replies.
"Just fries. Watching my diet." Barbara grins.
"Uuuh...ok." Betty replies.
"I'll take a coke." Roy says.
"I'll get three large fries, two triple large burgers with everything on them and one milkshakes for every flavor." Wally grins.
"You gonna pay for all that?" Betty crosses her arms.
"Yep! Mom loaned me her visa so I'm good to go."
"Alrighty then. What about you, darlin'?"
"Pass." Jade replies, leaning back in her chair.
"You sure, Jade?" Roy says.
"Yep. Not hungry."
"She'll get a water." Roy replies.
"Roy, I'm fine. Seriously." Jade frowns.
"Alright Sweethearts. That'll be just a couple minutes." Betty smiles before walking away.

(After hanging out for a little bit, eventually their food arrives.)

"Mmmmm! I can't wait to put you in my mouth." Wally smiles, looking at his cheese burgers.
"You enjoy that, Wally." Barbara laughs.
"Wanna share, Barbara?" Richard smirks, moving his milkshake closer to her.
"As much as I would like to, no thanks Richard." Barbara sarcastically replies.
"Burn!" Wally laughs.
"Dude!" Richard glares.
"Enjoying your water?" Roy smirks.
"Yes. It's great. Thanks." Jade replies.
"Is there something, you know...?" Barbara whispers to Richard, looking at Roy and Jade.
"I'm not sure." Richard replies with a smile.
"I'll find out....Well, I gotta go. I'll be right back. Jade? Wanna come?" Barbara asks.
"Why? Can't go to the bathroom by yourself?" Roy says.
"Of course I can. I just thought she might have to as well." Barbara blushes.
" thanks. I'm good." Jade replies.
"Then again, I change my mind." Barbara sits down.
"Smooth." Richard whispers with a smile.

(After eating, everyone leaves the diner to head home.)

"Hey Jade! Wait up!" Roy hollers, running towards her.
"What's wrong?" Jade asks.
"Just though I'd walk home with you."
"No thanks. You'll run if you see my place."
"Come on. I'm sure it's not that bad."
"No really. It is." Jade replies.
"Well, it doesn't bother me."
"Yeah, but if bothers me"
"Why should it? Just because your place isn't a mansion or perfect looking doesn't mean anything."
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Good. Then I'm coming."
"You don't take no for an answer, do you?" Jade smiles.
"No. Not often. Hey, I can pick you up tomorrow if you want?" Roy grins.
"For the fair?"
"Yeah. I'm in the archery competition. You could watch me. Unless you don't want to."
"No. I do." Jade replies.
"Great! So this is where your place is?" Roy asks, looking up at a worn down apartment building.
"Yeah." Jade replies, clearly embarrassed.
"Hey, it's not as bad as you made it seem."
"Thanks Roy, but like you said. It doesn't matter. I'll see you later." Jade says.
"See ya." Roy waves.

(The next morning Roy wakes to Oliver calling his name)

"Roy! Get down here now!" Oliver yells.
"What!" Roy races down stairs, trying to put a shirt on.
"What did I tell you? Get your chores done now. I'm tired of you not doing them. You're almost sixteen. I shouldn't have to tell you over and over again."
"Ok! I'm sorry. I forgot."
"Well this is the last time. And to help you remember, I'm grounding you from going to the fair." Oliver says.
"What! No! I had an archery competition! You can't do that!" Roy blurts.
"Don't raise your voice, and yes I can do that. Now do your chores." Oliver replies before walking away.
"I can't believe this! I guess I should let them know."
"Riiiinnnggg, Riiiinnnggg."
"Yo." Richard answers.
"Hey, I'm grounded. I can't come to the fair. Sorry." Roy says.
"What?! Why?"
"Didn't you hear me? I'm grounded. Don't ask why. Let the others know. Just don't tell them I'm grounded. Say something else." Roy growls before hanging up.
"Riiiinnnnggg, Riiiinnnggg."
"Hello?" Jade answers.
"Hey, Jade. I won't be able to go to the fair with you. Something's come up."
"Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, it's just that...we'll it's nothing."
"You're grounded aren't you?" Jade says.
"What? No! I'm..."
"Grounded." Jade interrupts.
"Fine! Yes! I'm grounded!" Roy blurts.
"Well going to the fair sounds boring without you there, so mind if I come over?"
"What? I mean if you want to. Oliver left for work already, so..."
"Cool. I'll be there soon." Jade says before handing up.
"Uh? Ok?" Roy replies.

(About thirty minutes later, Jade arrives at Roy's house.)

"Knock, knock."
"Hey. Come on in." Roy grins.
"Thanks." Jade smiles, walking inside.
"Nice place." Jade continues.
"Yeah, I guess. But it's kind of empty and boring. Too much room, you know. But make yourself comfortable."
"I get it. Too much space makes a place feel lonely." Jade says, relaxing on the couch.
"Do you ever wear something different?" Roy asks, sitting next to Jade as he observes her same outfit from the last couple days.
"Thanks for noticing." Jade glares.
"Sorry. That's rude, huh?" Roy blushes.
"It's fine."
"'re fifteen?"
"Mmhm. You too?"
"Do you have a girlfriend?" Jade smirks.
"No. Girls are a pain." Roy says.
"No offense."
"If we're such a pain, why do you hang out with me?"
"I guess because you seem different. Not so worried about a broken nail."
"Yeah, I guess. I bite mine."
"Me too. Sometimes." Roy grins.
"So I take it you've never been kissed?" Jade smiles.
"No." Roy blushes.
"Me neither."
"Yeah." Jade hesitantly replies.
"That's not a bad thing."
"No, but it is kind of embarrassing."
"I get it. Richard's had like ten girlfriends and Wally is dating some girl. I don't remember her name though." Roy replies.
"Well, have you ever wondered what it's like?"
"Uuh...well yeah. I mean..."
"What's wrong? Talking about make you nervous?" Jade smirks.
"What?! No. I..." Roy hesitates.
"Wanna try it?"
"You kiss?"
"Yeah. Just for fun. It won't mean anything."

(Slowly Roy and Jade lean closer, gently pressing their lip against each others'. As they continue, Roy begins to slowly wrap his arms around Jade's waist, intensifying the kiss.)

"Roy..." Jade says in between his kisses.
"Yeah?" Roy replies, still kissing her.
"What's happening?" Jade asks, still kissing back.
"I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Roy says, quickly moving away.
"That was different."
"Well, at least we know what it's like." Jade grins.
"I should probably go." Jade says, standing up to walk towards the door.
"Jade, wait." Roy replies, grabbing ahold of her hand.
"What is it?"
"This doesn't change anything, right?"
"No. It was just for fun."
"Right. Well, I'll see you later."
"Bye." Jade responds before closing the door.
"Woah. That was awesome." Roy says to himself.

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