Hey You

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What's up! I'm Roy Harper. The fifteen year old cool kid. You probably know me already. But please don't remember me for my rich adoptee. Yeah, Oliver Queen. The richy of Gotham City. Well, one of them anyways. Doesn't matter. I make my own name. I don't need Ollie's help.

(On a Wednesday morning at Gotham middle school, Roy and Richard Grayson are walking to school.)

"I can't believe I convinced Bruce to let me walk to school with you today." Richard excitedly says.
"Yeah! Hey, wanna try my skateboard?" Roy asks, jumping off of it.
"Sure! I'll give it a shot!"
"You should be good. You were an acrobat."
"What do you think?" Richards smirks, riding the skateboard perfectly.
"I'm not surprised, showoff." Roy frowns, crossing his arms.
"Alright, now get off." Roy continues.
"Ok, ok. Here. I wonder if Bruce would get me one of those."
"Naaah. He's too cheap. Just like Ollie."
"Yeah, but Ollie bought you one."
"No. I saved my allowance for this baby." Roy proudly replies.
"Nice. How long till you got the hang of it?"
"Not long. Same as you." Roy mumbles, embarrassed that it actually took him much longer than Richard.
"Cool!" Richard smiles.
"Wanna see a trick?" Roy asks.
"Yeah! I'm watchin'."

(Immediately Roy speeds off before jumping in the air and landing back on the skateboard.)

"Awesome dude! Great job!" Richard applauds.
"It was nothing." Roy smirks.
"Woah Roy! Watch out!" Richard yells, pointing at a young girl walking in front of Roy who was still riding his skateboard.
"Watch out!" Roy blurts before ramming into the girl, knocking them both on the ground.
"Hey!" The girl growls.
"Ow! Man, that's gonna hurt later." Roy exclaims, rubbing his head.
"Hurt later? It hurts now!" The girl grimaces.
"Sorry. Should've moved." Roy replies before looking up to see a young, Vietnamese girl with bright green eyes and black hair glaring at him.
"Seriously?! Jerk."
"Sorry. I didn't see you there. Are you ok?" Roy grins, trying to help the girl.
"Leave me alone. I'm fine." The girl angrily replies.
"The names Roy."
"Jade, huh? Interesting. I kinda like it." Roy grins.
"Does it matter?"
"No. Guess not."
"Good, then leave me alone." Jade growls, walking away.
"You ok, Roy? Looked heated so I thought I'd give you a minute." Richard says.
"Oh it was heated. The girl doesn't seem too happy with me. But who cares. Let's go. School has probably started and Ollie has been getting on my case a lot lately for being late to everything." Roy replies.

(Later at lunch, Roy, Richard and Wally West are sitting together, eating.)

"Hey, isn't that the girl you ran into earlier?" Richard points.
"Ugh. Don't remind me." Roy grumbles.
"Who ran into what?" Wally questions with his mouth full.
"Roy ran into that girl on his skateboard over there with the black hair and ripped jeans."Richard grins.
"Cool! I wish I had been there." Wally laughs.
"Oh yeah. It was hilarious. Now can we move on." Roy frowns.
"Hey Roy." Jade walks up behind him.
"Oh great." Roy mumbles before turning around.
"Hey Jade. What's up?" Roy replies.
"Well, I'd say the sky. But since our little incident, I'm not sure my eyes can see straight anymore to agree." Jade glares.
"Bummer. They look good to me."
"Is that a compliment or a joke?" Jade raises a brow.
"Does it matter?" Roy smirks.
"Hilarious." Jade grumbles as she walks away.
"Hey Jade! Wanna eat with us?" Roy sarcastically smiles.
"But sure." Jade smirks.
"Great. Did you mean for her to say yes?" Wally whispers.
"No. I thought she wouldn't want to." Roy innocently replies.
"Nice one, dude." Richard says.
"So, what did you bring?" Wally smiles, looking at Jade.
"Uuhh...pb and j with grapes." Jade uncomfortably replies.
"Leave her be, Wally." Roy says.
"Oh sorry." Wally blushes.
"So...where are you from?" Roy asks.
"Vietnam. Parents moved here when I was a baby and we've been here ever since. You?" Jade says.
"He's adopted." Wally interrupts.
"Dude!" Roy frowns.
"So is he." Wally points to Richard.
"Heh. Long stories." Richards grins.
"Interesting." Jade replies.
"How old are you?" Wally asks.
"Fifteen. Why?" Jade says.
"No reason. Just curious." Wally smiles.
"He's nosy as you can see." Roy smirks, elbowing Wally.
"Yeah. I got that." Jade replies.

(After school, Jade stands by the parking lot, waiting for her ride.)

"Late again." Jade grumbles.
"Hey." Roy walks up to her.
"What do you want?" Jade glares.
"Someone forget about you?"
"Yep. As usual."
"Oh. Sorry. I was actually joking."
"It doesn't matter. What about you?" Jade asks.
"No. I walk home. Good exercise Ollie says. But I know he's just too busy to pick me up himself."
"Oh. Too bad."
"Yeah. Hey. Wanna see something cool?" Roy asks.
"Like what?"
"Is it worth my time?" Jade raises a brow.
"More so that sitting here all day for no one."
"....Fine. Let's go." Jade grins.

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