Mischievous Party

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(That night at around 3:00am)

"Beep beep. Beep beep."
"What the? Seriously, I set my alarm wrong again." Roy groans.
"Roy?" Jade slowly opens the door.
"Jade? Is everything alright?"
"Yeah. I heard your alarm."
"Sorry. Stupid thing doesn't work. Hey, are you cold?" Roy asks, noticing Jade holding herself tightly.
"A little. I tried to find another blanket, but..."
"I have one. Here, I'll get it for you." Roy gets up, grabbing a blanket from his closet.
"Thanks." Jade smiles as he wraps it around her.
"Good." Roy replies as he looks into Jade's eyes. As Jade gazes back at him, they both begin to draw closer to each other before slowly kissing. Still holding the blanket tightly, Jade starts to wrap her arms around Roy's neck, pulling him closer while he holds onto her waist.

"Jade, you'll be warmer with me."
"Ok. Just promise you won't let go."
"I promise."

(The next morning, Roy awakens to Jade cuddled closely against him, sleeping like a baby.)

"Never thought we'd do this again so soon." Roy whispers.
"Mmmm...hi." Jade opens her eyes.
"Hey. Sleep well?"
"I slept great. You're right. I was warmer next to you."
"Good. Stay here as long as you want."
"I just might."
"How's your arm?"
"Sore. But better than when my dad tried to mend it."
"So I'm assuming your dad is an assassin too? And you mom?"
"Yes. Mom is off and on though. It annoys dad that she's not as committed."
"Right. Sigh, sorry. Richard's calling." Roy says as he picks up the phone.
"Hey Dude! What up, what up?! So here's the plan. My place, pizza, soda, and hot girlfriends. Tonight at Wayne's." Richard excitedly pronounces.
"Huh? Since when?"
"Since now! Bruce finally gave me permission. Can you believe it?!"
"Hardly. So tell me. Is it Barbara, Zatanna, or Kori who is the lucky one tonight?"
"Ha ha. I'm dying over here."
"I'll take that as you haven't decided yet. Anyways, gotta go."
"Ok. See ya tonight, dude!" Richard hangs up.
"He certainly is something." Jade says, leaning closer to Roy.
"Definitely. Come here." Roy smirks as he scoots Jade even closer to him.
"I like this...mmm..."
"Me too. But to be honest, I don't really understand it."
"Does it matter?"
"Normally I would say yes, but with you, I can't help but wonder."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You seem to be afraid of any form of commitment. Is that because of your parents?You afraid I'm gonna break your heart?"
"Don't ask me that." Jade quickly sits up.
"Jade, I'm not gonna keep doing this. I want an answer."
"Here. I've got an idea."
"Uh oh. Not another one."
"Come with me tonight to the party as my date, and if you decide that you don't like it, leave and I won't bother you about it again. Deal?"
"I do like parties. Alright fine, it's a deal. Well, I'm gonna go." Jade says as she gets out of bed.
"Wait a minute." Roy quickly grabs Jade and pulls her back onto the bed.
"Ugh! Roy?!" Jade laughs.
"One kiss before you go."
"Seriously?! No!"
"Come on. Just one."
"Uggghh! Fine." Jade leans in and kisses Roy. Before she can back away, Roy quickly wraps his arms around her, tying her to him as he continues to kiss her.
"Mmm...Roy....let go..."
"Jade...please stay..."
"Jade...." Roy continues before Jade escapes his grip and races out of the room.
"Jade wait!" Roy runs after.
"I need to go, Roy. I'll see you tonight. Ok?"
"Sigh, yeah."
"Roy, don't push me. I like you, but don't make me feel like I'm punishing you. I want to continue just like you, but I'm just not ready. And to be honest, I don't think you are either."
"Don't insult me, Jade." Roy glares.
"You know what I mean."
"Don't pout. I'll see you tonight."

(Later that evening, Roy arrives at Jade's place.)

"Hey. I'm coming." Jade hurries over to the car, dressed in a pretty blouse and jeans.
"You look nice."
"New shirt?"
"Yeah. Mom got it for me a couple days ago. I'm not sure about it though."
"It's not really me."
"A red shirt with black lace. I think that's you Jade."
"Whatever. So, who's gonna be there?"
"Richard, Wally, Barbara, and Linda."
"Who's Linda?"
"Wally's new girl."
"Great. Is she pretty?"
"Why? Jealous?" Roy smirks.
"No." Jade crosses her arms.
"You sure?"
"Just drive!"

(After a few long moments of silence, they arrive at Wayne manor.)

"Knock, knock."
"Yo! Come in! Hey Jade! Didn't know you and Roy were coming together." Richard grins.
"Shut up, Dick." Jade growls.
"Jade! Hi!" Barbara jumps up and gives Jade a hug.
"Hey Barbara."
"I didn't know you would be here. I'm glad!"
"Come with me. We're just about to play spin the bottle."
"Hold your horses, Barbara. Jade still hasn't met Linda." Roy smirks at Jade.
"Ugggh..." Jade quietly grumbles.
"Wally! Bring your new girl!" Roy yells.
"Roy! Great to see you, dude! And Jade! Lookin' great! Linda, meet Roy and Jade. Their together." Wally says.
"Nice to meet you, Jade." Linda politely shakes her hand.
"We're just about to start our game. Wanna join us?"
"I guess."

As they all gather in a circle around the table, everyone agrees that Jade should go first.

"I'm not interested in kissing anybody." Jade angrily says.
"Just me." Roy teases.
"Be careful when you spin. This bottle is special." Richard pronounces.

Quickly the bottle goes in multiple circles before aiming at Roy.

"The bottle doesn't lie, Jade." Roy smirks.
"Sigh. Come here." Jade says, barely kissing Roy.
"That's it?"
"Your turn, Barbara."
"Alright." Barbara spins, landing on Richard.
"I'll try not to blow you way." Richard leans closer.
"Good luck with that."
"Not bad." Richard blushes after Barbara softly, but thoroughly kisses him.
"My turn." Linda interrupts, spinning the bottle, landing on Wally.
"Sweet." Wally whispers.

(As the hour wears on, Jade and Barbara begin to notice a pattern.)

"Tough luck, Jade." Roy laughs.
"Let me see that!" Jade blurts, grabbing the bottle and carefully inspecting it.
"Hey! Don't drop it!" Richard exclaims, trying to take it from her.
"Barbara, see what I see?" Jade says.
"No way! A magnet?!"
"So, Roy, Richard, and Wally. Have any metal?" Jade questions.
"Um...no." Richard replies, while Roy and Wally just look at each other.
"Go for it, Jade." Barbara smirks.
"Roy, wanna share with me your little secret? I'll reward you." Jade walks over to Roy, putting her arms around his shoulders.
"Sigh, here." Roy groans, handing Jade a flat piece of metal with a handle.
"You brats! I'm out of here!" Barbara and Linda stomp out.
"Come on, Wallman. We'd better go apologize." Richard says, walking towards the door.
"Oh boy." Wally follows.
"Do you take me for a fool!?"
"No! We were just having fun."
"Sure. Well, if you wanna make it up to me, get me out of here."
"What? And go where?"
"Surprise me." Jade flirts.

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