Running Away

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😂Love the long hair. Not sure if he should have it in this story though. What do you think?!

(That same night after the party)

"So, where are gonna take me?" Jade looks at Roy as he drives towards the city.
"You wanted a surprise, right?"
"Then don't ask."
"Fine. Forget I asked." Jade angrily turns away, before slowly falling asleep against the door.
"Jade. Wake up."
"Hmm? Where are we?"
"Just get out and follow me."

(As Roy leads the way, they carefully begin climbing a long stairwell in an old building.)

"What is this place?"
"Just wait."
"Now close your eyes." Roy says before opening a huge door.
"What the?" Jade opens her eyes as she walks through the door onto a huge rooftop.
"Pretty cool?"
"Yeah. How did you know about this?" Jade walks around, looking at all the beautiful city lights.
"A friend showed me while on patrol."
"Well, as Speedy."
"And whose your friend?"
"Mm. So it's not a girl?"
"Last I checked, no." Roy smirks.
"Ha ha." Jade says as she walks towards the edge of the rooftop, sitting on the short, concrete rail.
"Careful. Don't fall." Roy says as he sits next to her.
"You too."
"Quite a view, huh?"
"Yeah. Thanks for bringing me here, Roy. Somehow, it's peaceful."
"Sure, Jade."
"Roy?" Jade looks at him.
"Yeah, Jade?" Roy look back.
"I don't want to go home."
"My dad. He's been drunk a lot lately. I'm just tired of it."
"Well, you can stay the night at my house again if you want?"
"I'd like that." Jade gently rests her hand on Roy's chest, looking down.

Carefully Roy grabs ahold of Jade's neck as she leans closer, slowly kissing him.

"Jade? We should head back before we fall of the roof."
"I...don't...want to." Jade continues.
"Jade, it's about to start raining. Come on, let me take you home." Roy stands up while grabbing ahold of her hand.
"Sigh, ok."

(After driving back to the mansion, Roy sneaks Jade upstairs to his room.)

"I thought he saw me a couple times." Jade laughs.
"Oliver doesn't notice anything. It's his girlfriend I was worried about." Roy says as he relaxes on his bed.
"Who is she?"
"Her names Dinah. She's a therapist or something."
"Do you want the same room as before?" Roy stands up, grabbing a couple blankets.
"Well..." Jade slowly walks up to Roy, looking at him seductively.
"What's that look about?"
"Maybe...maybe I'd be warmer with you again."
"Well, if you want to."
"I do."
"Ok. I'll grab another pillow for you." Roy thoughtlessly replies.

Immediately Jade forces her lips against Roy, ardently kisses him while clinging to him tightly.

"Jade..." Roy heavily breaths.
"Roy...don't stop..."
(Knock, knock.)
"Roy? Are you home?" Oliver hollers.
"Seriously. Uh...yeah! What do you want?"
"Dinah is staying for dinner. Come down and eat. And change into something decent."
"Ugh! I'll be down in a minute!"
"Sigh, Jade. I'm sorry."
"It's fine, Roy. This was still amazing, even if..."
"Hurry up, Roy!!" Oliver yells.
"I agree." Roy smiles, kissing Jade before going downstairs.

(A little bit later at the dinner table.)

"So, Roy. How is school going?" Dinah asks.
"Have any girlfriends?"
"I'd know about if he did. Right Roy?" Oliver interrupts.
"No. Why would I tell you? You never ask." Roy glares.
"You're never home."
"How would you know? You're never home."
"Sigh, Roy. Let's not start this again."
"By all means. Let's never talk about anything Oliver Queen just might be wrong about!"
"Roy. Don't raise you voice."
"Raise my voice?! You wouldn't know a raised voice if it bursted your eardrums!" Roy angrily stands up and yells.
"Go to your room! Now!"
"Don't talk to me like a child!"
"Don't act like one!"
"Alright you two! That's enough!" Dinah pronounces.
"You bet it is. I'm leaving." Roy stomps upstairs into his room.
"That was fast." Jade smirks, laying on his bed upside down.
"Come with me. I'm leaving." Roy grabs a bag, stuffing it with clothes.
"What? Why?"
"I'm done listening to Oliver. I'm sick and tired of him pretending to be what he will never be."
"What's that? A father?"
"Roy, Where are you gonna go?"
"I have cash, Jade. I can get a cheap place long enough to find a job."
"Are you sure about this, Roy?"
"Yes, Jade. Don't try to change my mind."
"Sigh, alright. Let's go."
"Really? You're actually gonna come?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know."
"Great. Ready?"

(After sneaking out the back door, Roy and Jade find a tiny, rundown apartment in the middle of Gotham city.)

"What do you think?" Roy asks, dropping his bag on the floor.
"It's nicer than my room."
"You think?"
" gonna stay?"
"Yes. If you don't mind."
"No. I'm glad. Stay as long as you want."

/Can't help but think Jade would be a very impulsive teenager once she discovers her feelings. Thanks Young Justice.🤪/

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