Day 1

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A lot has changed since I found out about Jade's secret. I don't trust her like I did before. I almost wish I didn't know. I'm taking her out later to fight crime for the first time. I'm crossing my fingers that everything goes smoothly. Knowing Jade and having already met Cheshire, I couldn't hope for something more impossible.

"Knock, knock."
"Hey Roy. Come in." Jade opens the door.
"Hey. So, you ready?" Roy walks inside, heading towards her bedroom.
"Do I look ready?"
"Then no. Come on. I'll change in a minute."
"You cleaned your room."
"A little. Mom said if I didn't, she'd never take me shopping again. Not that I care." Jade replies as she relaxes on her bed.
"So, you gonna change?"
"Yes. Turn around."
"Oh...uh...right." Roy blushes as he turns around, trying to resist peaking.
"Where are we gonna fight?"
"Well, there's been a lot of burglaries around the plaza. We're gonna go check it out."
"Exciting." Jade flirtatiously smiles as she walks around Roy, facing him.
"Definitely." Roy stutters as he observes her very flattering uniform from up close.
"Something wrong?" Jade smirks.
"You sure?" Jade slowly sways towards him, putting her hands around his neck.
"Jade, what are you doing?"
"What? A girl can't play with her friend?"
"What exactly does playing mean?" Roy raises a brow.
"Well..." Jade begins wrapping Roy's arms tightly around her waist as she leans closer to him.
"Jade...we should go."
"Is that what you want?" Jade slowly flutters her eyelashes while gently gliding her hands through his hair.

With his heart pounding and blood racing, Roy quickly tightens his grip on Jade's waist. Leaving his thoughts behind, Roy forces himself forward against Jade's lips, passionately kissing her to the point of exhaustion. Quickly realizing where he's heading, Jade begins trying to back away.

"Roy....stop." Jade trembles.

Completely distracted, Roy doesn't even hear Jade's words.

"Roy...Roy!" Jade blurts, shoving him away.
"Ugh! Jade?!"
"I'm sorry! I just can't do more."
"Why not?! Don't get innocent with me. I saw the way you were looking at me."
"I'm not ready." Jade shamefully lowers her head.
"Sigh, come on. We should go." Roy irritatedly says.

(After suiting up and arriving at the plaza, Roy explains the plan to Jade in hopes that she would cooperate.)

"You got it?"
"Yes. Listen to you and don't have fun." Jade angrily crosses her arms.
"Good. Let's go." Roy says before carefully running through the plaza towards the security room.
"It's over there."
"I see it. I'll take out the security guards while you turn off the cameras."
"You sure we're not robbing the place?" Jade smirks.
"It's just easier to get them out of the way. A lot of responders still don't like vigilantes. Now let's go!"

As Speedy shoots a sleeping gas arrow in the security room, Cheshire carefully sneaks passed, shutting down the cameras.

"Nice work. I'm assuming that mask has filters?"
"Yep. Cool huh?"
"Very. Now Hurry. We need to separate just like we talked about. Ready?"
"Naturally." Cheshire replies, running east while Speedy goes west.
"Intercom working?" Speedy asks.
"Yes. I'm heading into the foodcourt."
"Good. I'm at a dead end. I don't see anything out of the ordinary though. Except this strange poster."
"Weirdo. Wait, I hear whispering."
"Careful Chesh."
"I will. It looks like two men with black masks on. They're carrying a duffel bag."
"Sounds like a winner."
"They're breaking into a shoe store. I'm going to follow them."

While Cheshire follows the men, Speedy keeps an eye out for other robbers while making his way back to Cheshire.

"Anything happen yet?"
"They've gotten into the safe. I'm going to stop them!" Cheshire exclaims.
"Cheshire wait!"

Excitedly Cheshire runs after the men, pulling her sais out and striking them both in the face.
As they quickly get up to fight her, one grabs ahold of Cheshire's waist while she kicks the other in the stomach.

"Not bad. Let's see how they like this." Speedy races towards the guys, shooting multiple arrows at them as they block each one.
"Careful! You almost hit me!" Cheshire growls.
"Sorry! Get them together!"
"Ok!" Cheshire yells, fiercely shoving and kicking both men into a corner while Speedy shoots a net arrow at them, catching one of the men.
"Missed one!" Speedy blurts.
"Don't worry. I got him!" Cheshire throws a sais, hitting the coat of the man, pinning him to the wall.
"Going somewhere?" Cheshire purrs, walking up to the burglar. Grabbing the sais stuck in the wall, the man angrily stabs Cheshire in her shoulder.
"Uggghhhh!!!" Cheshire exclaims.
"Cheshire! Aggghhhh!!!" Speedy forcefully kicks the man, slamming him against the wall and knocking him out.
"Mmgghhh! We need to go."
"Here. Let me help you."
"I'll be fine. Come on."

After getting Jade to his house, Roy helps stitch and bandage her arm.

"Feeling better?" Roy asks, sitting next to her on his bed.
"Yeah. Thanks."
"Well, you're strong. It makes fixing your arm somewhat easier."
"Maybe. Does Oliver know we're here?"
"No. He doesn't pay much attention to notice I'm even gone."
"Regardless, I should probably go. Fun night though."
"Yeah, but do you have to leave so soon?"
"Why? Gonna miss me?"
"Course not. But I do like people around once in awhile."
"What?! You like people around?!" Jade teases.
"Jade. We need to talk."
"No we don't."
"Yes we do, Jade. Look, we clearly feel something if we keep having these make out sessions. Am I right?"
"Roy, I know what you're saying and just because Wally and Richard have girlfriends doesn't mean you have to."
"It's not like that, I just want to understand you."
"I wouldn't bother trying. My own parents can't even understand me. Then again, they've never tried."
"Well, I'm trying. Don't push me away."
"Roy, maybe I'm kissing you because I want to. Does there have to be some special feeling?"
"I...well...I guess not."
"See. And you couldn't possibly feel anything for me."
"Why do you think that?"
"Seriously? I'm an assassin with way too many issues."
"Jade! Do you think I really care about that! I like you! Why can't we go out?!"
"I'm just not sure, ok! I need to go!" Jade angrily stands up, walking towards the door.
"Jade wait!" Roy grabs her hand.
"What now?!"
"Let's not fight. Stay the night so I can keep an eye on your arm. You can sleep in one of the spares. Alright?"

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