Wishy-Washy Teens

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It feels great to have Jade back in my life. I didn't realize how much I missed her. It kinda stinks that we're just friends now, but I'm Roy Harper. I know a thing or two about swooning a woman.

"Riiiiinnnngggg, riiiiiinnnngggg!!!!"
"Hello?" Jade answers.
"Hey, Jade. This is Roy. I just wanted to know if you want to come over later? It's still just me at the apartment. The place is cleaner than before though."
"Uh...sure. I suppose."
"Awesome! I'll uh...see you then."
"Ok. I'll come by around five. Sound good?"
"Yeah. Hey, need me to pick you up?"
"It's ok, Roy. I can walk."
"Jade, I'm not gonna let you walk. Just let me pick you up."
"Sigh....fine. See you at five. Bye." Jade hangs up.

(Four hours later, Roy arrives at Jade's apartment.)

"Hey. I wanted to take you to a cool place. Still in?" Roy asks as he hands Jade a helmet.
"Yeah. Just get me outa here. Dad's drunk." Jade quickly hops on the motorcycles

(Eventually Roy pulls up near a huge waterfall.)

"Woah! This place is nice." Jade hops off, walking closer.
"I found it while out on a mission about seven months ago."
"How is it you always find this stuff?"
"Luck I guess." Roy walks towards her.
"Jade, how have things been with your parents?"
"Difficult. Dad doesn't do much other than train and drink. Mom leaves when he does."
"What do you do?"
"It depends. Usually I leave. Other times, I stay in my room."
"Does he hurt you?"
"It's not always like that. He throws stuff. If I'm in the way, too bad. Only sometimes he gets more violent."
"Jade, has he ever hit you?" Roy looks at her, speaking sternly.
"Yeah. But I promised myself, if he ever did again, I'd leave."
"Jade, I'm so sorry that happened to you. If you ever need anything, you can always come to me. I won't let him hurt you."
"Thanks Roy, but I'll be fine."
"Come on. I'll drive you to my place."

(Later at Roy's apartment.)

"Remember when we first came here?" Roy asks as they walk in.
"Yeah. It was exciting. You did good cleaning it up."
"Thanks. So...what do you wanna do?"
"We could watch a movie I guess."
"Sure. I'll make popcorn and get some candy. Want anything to drink?"
"Water's fine." Jade says as she relaxes on the couch.
"Alright. It's cooking." Roy sits next to Jade, resting his arm behind her on the couch.
"What do you want to watch?"
"You choose, Jade."
"Hmmm...how about....the samurai thief."
"That's a good one. Have you seen it?"
"You'll like it."

(As the night wears on, Jade begins to slowly fall asleep against Roy.)

"This movie is long. But it does have its benefits." Roy smirks as he watches Jade.
"Man you're beautiful. Look at those lips." Roy whispers before leaning closer to Jade, kissing her.
"Mm..." Jade jumps up.
"Uh...Jade. How'd you sleep?"
"Did you just kiss me?"
"Uh....would you believe me if I said no?"
"No." Jade glares.
"Sigh, sorry Jade. I just couldn't help myself."
"Why? Um...I guess because I...well, sorta miss you."
"You miss me?" Jade raises a brow.
"Jade." Roy turns his head as he blushes.
"What about me do you miss?" Jade walks over to Roy and sits on his lap.
"Well, I miss your touch. Your soft but aggressive touch." Roy rubs his hands across her jean covered legs.
"Roy, what is it you want from me?" Jade tilts closer to him as her hair drapes along the sides of her face.
"You know what I want, Jade. But you'll never give it to me."
"Has anyone?"
"No. A few girls were willing, but...I guess it didn't feel right."
"Why not?"
"You know why." Roy drifts his hand down the side of her face.
"Roy, I..."

As Roy hesitantly leans closer, he begins to barely peck her lips. Clearly determined for more, Roy slides his fingers through Jade's hair as he desperately begins kissing her.

"I...I'm not...sure."
"Just...trust me...Jade.." Roy whispers, resting Jade against the couch as he begins to escalate.
"Shhh...it's gonna be ok..."
"Riiiiiinnnnnggggg, riiiinnnnngggg!!!"

Startled by the noise, Jade quickly sits up.

"Sigh, It's your mom." Roy grumbles, handing her the phone.
"Hello?" Jade answers.
"Honey? Where are you? I'm home but I can't find you."
"I went out with a friend. Dad was drunk again."
"Well, he isn't here right now. Come back home, Jade. It's getting late."
"Fine. I'll be home soon." Jade hangs up.
"Sorry, Roy. I have to go."
"Sigh, yeah. I guess. Come on. I'll drive you." Roy irritatedly stands up, walking towards the door.

(That night at Jade's apartment.)

"Thanks, Roy." Jade says as she gets off the bike.
"No problem. Will I see you later?"
"Not at school."
"Well, I graduated already, so..."
"That was fast."
"Yeah. Just basic. Nothin' special. That reminds me, why did you stop going?"
"I decided to drop out."
"I don't need it. Not with my lifestyle."
"You still do assassinations, don't you?" Roy frowns.
"Don't try to lecture me. I don't have much choice."
"I wasn't planning on, Jade. I know you have a lot of pressure from your parents."
"Jade! Who are you talking to?!" Paula holler's, walking over to her.
"Who's this?" Paula crosses her arms, raising a brow.
"Uh...mom, this is Roy...my boyfriend." Jade smirks at Roy.
"You're boyfriend?"
"Pleased to meet you." Roy shakes Paula's hand.
"Hello. So you're dating my daughter. Are you treating her well?"
"I try."
"Well, you better try harder. She may be a monster but she's my daughter."
"Mom." Jade grumbles.
"And don't think you can go messing around with her."
"Course not."
"Alright, let's go honey." Paula begins walking away.
"So, girlfriend, huh?"
"Jade! Let's go!"
"Sorry. Gotta go."
"Give me a kiss." Roy grabs her waist, pulling her close.
"Mmm...Bye." Jade smiles.
"Tomorrow night. My place. Promise me."
"I'll try."

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