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I guess Jade got back from somewhere yesterday, according to Richard. I wonder where she went. Doesn't matter. If she wants to tell me, she will.

(Monday morning before school.)

"Hey Roy!" Jade hollers, running up to him.
"Oh. Hey Jade. Long time no see." Roy replies.
"Yeah. Dad had work."
"I know. You told me. How did it go?"
"So what did you do while he was working?"
"Just, you know, nothing."
"Yeah. My mom takes me shopping sometimes."
"Sounds fun I guess."
"It is. I'm a girl, remember. I happen to enjoy people buying me stuff." Jade smiles.
"Right. Ugh!"
"I just remembered I have an exam due in math. I forgot to study." Roy groans.
"Whatever. Hey! Wanna ditch and go to your special spot instead?"
"You know what. Yeah. Let's do it. Besides, I feel like ticking people off right now."
"Just do." Roy grumbles.

(Eventually Roy and Jade arrive at the river, goofing around on the rocks.)

"Take that!" Roy laughs, splashing water on Jade.
"Hey! Your dead!" Jade grins.
"Woah!" Jade exclaims, falling into the water.
"Jade?! Are you ok?!" Roy says, grabbing ahold of her.
"Yeah. It actually feels great. See!"
"Jade! Ugh!" Roy shouts as she pulls him in.
"Hahahaha! Told ya!"
"Hilarious. Do you know how long jeans take to dry?"
"Yeah. Forever. So what. Relax and have fun." Jade laughs.
"Sigh. Fine. Get over here!" Roy teases, grabbing Jade and laying her on the sand.
"Uh? Sure?" Roy replies.
"Here. My mom made it. Not sure what's in it." Jade says, handing Roy a sandwich.
"It looks safe. Mm...peanut butter and jelly."
"Sometimes she packs me weird foreign food. It usually tastes good, but you never know."
"I get it. At least she packs you food. I do my own lunch."
"What did you bring?"
"Money. Cafeteria."
"Oh." Jade says.
"Mmmm...yeah. This is the life."
"I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow."
"Why?" Roy frowns.
"It's getting so long. It needs a trim." Jade says as she runs her fingers through it.
"It's pretty. Don't cut it too short."
"I won't. You really like it?" Jade smiles.
"Yeah." Roy replies, gently feeling a few strands.
"You know, I hate my hair touched."
"Oh. Sorry."
"No, it's fine." Jade grins.

(As Roy looks into Jade's eyes, he feels himself beginning to lean closer.)

"Roy? Are you ok?"
"Huh? Oh...uh...yeah." Roy blushes, quickly moving away.
"Maybe we should get back. It's almost 3:00."
"Yeah. Good idea." Roy replies.

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