Dinner Guest

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It's been six months since Roy and I stopped talking. I feel fat. I feel a lot of things. Mom says I look adorable with a baby belly, then she remembers how old I am and starts giving me a lecture. Dad doesn't even care, but somehow I'm ok with it.

(Jade had just left her parents private doctor, walking home.)

"Jade! Hey Jade!" Roy hollers, driving by on his motorcycle as Jade ignores him.
"Jade, wait." Roy pulls over and runs in front of her.
"Nice to see you too."
"Move." Jade pushes Roy over as he quickly stops her again.
"Hey, just let me talk to you for a second. Please?"
"Sigh...Make it quick."
"You doing ok? It's been awhile."
"Did you seriously stop to ask me that?"
"Yes. I mean no. I just want to know how you're doing."
"Roy, don't pretend like your interested."
"Just tell me!"
"I'm fine, ok!"
"And our baby?"
"She's fine too."
"Yes, Roy. She."
"That's great!" Roy smiles, putting his hands on Jade's hips.
"Don't." Jade backs away.
"Sigh...Jade. I know you're still mad at me. But..."
"Roy, what do you want? I thought you didn't want a baby, so why are you acting like you care?"
"Because I do care. Having a baby just wasn't something I wanted right now."
"That's nice. Now excuse me."
"Jade, I know you don't want me around you."
"You're right. I don't."
"But like it or not, I'm the father and I want to be here for her."
"When did you decide this? At one of your parties?"
"No. I've given this a lot of thought. I know I was pretty harsh on you at first and..."
"Just save it, Roy."
"Jade, stop!" Roy angrily grabs Jade's hand, pulling her towards him.
"Let me be there for her! I'm trying to! Don't make this impossible for me!"
"You can't talk, Roy! I needed you long before now! But guess what, I'm doing fine! I'm getting through! Without you!"
"I don't care. I'm the baby's father and I'm gonna be here for her whether you like it or not. When I ask how she's doing, you're gonna tell me. And when you give birth to her, I'm gonna be there. Do you understand me?" Roy sternly demands.
"I'll give you an update once a week. Other than that, stay out of my life." Jade walks away.

(That night at the dinner table.)
"Here you go, my love." Paula kisses Lawrence head as she sets his meal on the table.
"Jade, sit up and look at me." Lawrence growls.
"Ra Al Ghul has given his permission. You can have the kid and then work for him."
"A little late for permission."
"Yeah whatever. Just don't blow it."
"Ok, you two. I have a little surprise." Paula smiles as she walks toward the front door.
"What, Paula?"
"I think we have some work to do, Lawrence. After all, Jade is our daughter and someone messed her over."

(Suddenly Paula opens the door to Roy standing outside.)

"Roy?!" Jade angrily stands up.
"Hey, Jade."
"Mom, why is he here?!"
"Oh hush up."
"Then I'll ask. Paula, why is he here?" Lawrence glares.
"I invited Roy to dinner because we clearly have some issues that need resolving. Come in, Roy. Please take a seat next to Jade."
"Thanks, Paula."
"Anyways, Roy reached out to me earlier and has made a point that he wants to be part of the baby's life. So I think we can all agree that the respectful thing to do is let him. Starting with getting to know us."
"Brilliant." Lawrence rolls his eyes.
"Jade, why don't you be nice and prepare Roy's plate."
"Roy can prepare his own plate."
"That's not how you used to feel." Roy smirks.
"How I used to feel doesn't exist anymore."
"Oh Jade. That's enough. Get Roy some food."
"Paula, what are you trying to prove?"
"Lawrence, I just don't want this baby having a family that doesn't try."
"Why do you care?"
"She's my granddaughter."
"Mom, any issues Roy and I have, we can deal with on our own. I don't need you trying to help us."
"Really? Because the last conversation we had together, you didn't seem to interested in trying to resolve anything." Roy says, turning towards Jade.
"I'm done." Jade stands up and walks away.
"That girl." Paula groans.

(A few minutes later by Jade's bedroom.)

"Can I come in?" Roy knocks on the door.
"No. Go away."
"I'm coming in anyways."
"Just leave me alone!" Jade throws an old stuffed animal at him.
"Stop this, Jade. I'm trying to talk to you."
"I don't want to talk to you! I don't even want you around me!"
"Why are you so mad at me?!"
"You broke my heart, Roy! You left me the minute things got tough!"
"Jade, I know that and I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Why can't you just forgive me?"
"Because it hurt. I trusted you and you betrayed me. Made me feel like I had no one."
"What about your mom?"
"My mom is only doing this because it makes her feel better about her messed up life."
"I think your mom cares, Jade. More than you know." Roy sits on the bed next to her.
"Get away from me. I don't like you anymore." Jade shoved him away as he gently grabs her hand, pulling her close.
Jade, I don't know how to convince you that I'm sorry. But I do care about you. I never intended on any of this."
"Then tell me, Roy. What did you expect would happen? I was ok if this took place eventually, but you weren't."
"I don't know. But that doesn't matter anymore. What does matter is us learning to get along whether you like it or not."
"Well...we could always get back together." Roy slowly glides his hands up Jade's waist, leaning closely towards her.
"Roy...just go. Please." Jade backs away.
"Sigh...fine. I guess I'll see you later."

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