New York

612 7 0

New York, New York

"El universo te manda el amor que te mereces," your father told you.

You're sitting in your papi's lap, head tilted to the side, eyes wide with curiosity. "¿Y qué amor es ese papi?"

He reached his hand up and stroked your cheek affectionately before booping your nose with his index finger, making your laugh ring around the room.

"Uno que te llena de tanto amor que sientes que sale de ti."

"¿Tienes eso con mami?" You asked, knowing very well what the answer would be.

"Por supuesto. Tu mami es mi otra mitad. Mi alma gemela. Ella me llena de tanto amor, y hago todo lo posible para recordárselo todos los días."

His smile is soft, as if he's letting himself get lost in the memory, but you aren't done with the conversation yet.

"Y yo, papi. ¿Encontraré a mi alma gemela?"

"Mantén tu corazón abierto, mi vida y lo harás." He assures you.

"How will I know?" Your face is filled with concern, wanting love just like your parents.

Your papi chuckles, sensing your worry. He kisses your cheek, gently holding your face, making you look at his beautiful chocolate eyes that always amaze you.

"Él sabrá la canción favorita de tu mamá."

You nod, taking in the information. You're already so curious at only eight years old, wanting to know all the answers to the universe but having to wait. For now, you'll settle for enjoying your parents' unconditional love.

"Did I lose you, querida?" Harry chuckles, grabbing your hand, the cold press of his rings against your warm palm startling you.

"Daydreaming," you chuckle, sitting up. You hold his hand tighter.

"Of me?" Harry teases.

You shake your head, "cheeky man."

"A guy can dream," he laughs, leaning in and kissing your cheek.

"What were you saying before?"

"Oh, that Gemma is on her way up."

Your eyes widen. You feel your heart begin to speed up.


Harry chuckles, "come on, it'll be fine."

You're grateful he's trying to be reassuring, but it doesn't calm your nerves. "Harry."


"This is serious," your voice raising.

"Bel," he shakes his head, "you've met my mum."

"I know," you sigh.

"And she loved you," he reminds you.

You feel your face heat it up, but don't let it stop you. "It's your sister."

"I'm aware."

You roll your eyes, continuing to share your concerns. "You look up to her. You've told me all these wonderful stories about her. How much you love and support each other. I'm aware of how important sibling relationships are." You take a deep breath. "I want her to like me."

"We already know she does," Harry jokes.

You muster up a slight grin. "No, H, want her to like me. Not the person you can see on your TV or theatre screens."

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