New York, NY II *

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New York City, New York Night Two

Harry had woken up early, as he does most mornings, to prepare for the show with his morning workout and now snuggles for you, except he woke up alone. Your side of the bed was cold, meaning you had left him for a while now. He picked his phone up with a huff hoping you'd be coming back soon, but that's when he spots the note attached to the back of his phone.

Hi darling,

Sorry to leave you, but Viola called me early and told me I was needed for a few interviews and to talk over my schedule for next year. Please know it was hard to leave you in bed all alone. I'll make it up to you. Now I'll be in the hotel's conference room.

I'll meet you at soundcheck.

Your querida xxx

Harry's heart clenches at the sweet note you took the time to write him, and he makes sure to tuck it safely in his notebook that he has not had time to open and write in due to the busy past two days. He knows he's lucky with the little work you've had to do, but he misses you. He likes knowing you're close and watching him just as he watches you.

He goes on with his morning without you. Mitch invites him for breakfast, and he accepts only for the chance to see the young bub, only to find out Sarah took him for a walk as he was a little fussy. It's safe to say it makes him sad, he just wants a cuddle, and it's why Sarah finds them on the couch with Harry with his head in Mitch's lap as they watch a documentary Mitch had been trying to watch. Sarah knows better than to ask, letting them know they'd have to head out soon to the venue.

Harry gets up, knowing he needs a few things to get ready when his phone chimes signaling he received a message.

Belmonte 💛

Good to know I'm replaceable. xx

Attached is a photo of his head in Mitch's laugh, with Mitch's hand playing with one of Harry's curls. It's a nice photo, and he gives props to Sarah for being so sneaky about it.


Yes, because you didn't give me a good morning kiss or snuggles. xx

Harry can picture you laughing at him. He misses the sound in the short time you were away.


Miss you xx

Belmonte 💛

Miss you too. See you soon xx

Not soon enough, Harry thinks to himself. He's tempted to go find you in whatever room you're in but knows better not to in the chance he interrupts you. He grabs his bag that holds all his essentials and leaves most of his stuff unpacked as they wouldn't be heading to Florida until the day before, wanting to enjoy their time there also because he wanted to spend time with you outside a venue.

Harry arrives and is greeted once again by most of the staff. He admires all their hard work to ensure he has a good show and knows his crew is working just as hard to do the same. He knows he has the easy job of getting on stage and entertaining but wouldn't be able to do it without everyone on his team who makes it possible.

Jeff pushed up his soundcheck, meaning you would miss it as you had an hour before arriving, and it bummed him out. Harry knew there was nothing he could do, but he missed you. He had created a routine, and you were involved. You'd sit on the stage steps as he sang a few songs, then head to the dressing room together, where you sit and meditate with him.

It's safe to say the day has gone by much slower without you by his side, it's nearing lunchtime, and you're still not here.


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