San Diego, CA *

845 9 0

Los Angeles, California

Day Before Show

It's Sunday, show day tomorrow, and Harry has asked you to raincheck lunch. It didn't come as a surprise knowing he'd be busier as soon as you landed in Los Angeles. You'd be shadowing Alfonso today for a few hours and had wanted to see him for a bit during the day before going back to his small Los Angeles home for the night. At least he called it small compared to his London home. This was quaint and cozy, something you had not felt in a long time. There was his room, where you'd both be staying together, that had black-out curtains for when he wanted to sleep in. That didn't happen often. His two guestrooms with their own restrooms gave them their own privacy and a room he made his studio. A large backyard with a nice view of hills tucked away from the busy city.

It fit him perfectly, and you were glad he invited you to stay for the week instead of a hotel as the others were doing, besides Elin, who finally got to reunite with her fiancé. Also, Mitch and Sarah were happy to be home with their bub, even if only for a week. Even better that they happened to live fifteen minutes away from Harry. Something you're sure was on purpose. Always lovely to have family close by.

After a successful day of watching scenes being shot, actors, repeatedly reshooting scenes, and asking endless questions when appropriate, you were wiped. It was a great time. You were excited to go back again, maybe even do a night shoot. But for now, you were ready for dinner with Harry.

He had graciously given you his spare key, promising that his house was your house for your week-long stay. As much as you were looking forward to San Diego, you were also wondering if you could convince him to go out dancing this week, maybe after one of the shows. You know he was strict on getting his eight hours of rest but hoping he would break if only for one night.

"H, I'm back." You were careful not to call it home as much as you were tempted because, one it wasn't, and two California stopped being home many years ago, but Harry was becoming home, and you loved thinking of him as such.

You set your back down in the entryway, setting the keys to the borrowed car in the bowl with hand-painted lemons.

"I'm starving," you call out, not concerned when he doesn't answer. "We should order in. I know I promised I'd cook, but tomorrow morning I'll make you the yummiest chilaquiles. You've got the ingredients and eggs." You slip off your sweater throwing it on the back of the couch, making yourself at home. "I was so busy, I didn't have time to eat a good lunch. I had water and the clementine you snuck in my bag. I was thinking of stopping by for food before arriving, but I was thinking of this new script Viola sent. Then Naomi called, and we started planning gifts for Christmas so we don't happen to gift something twice. Oh, we can ord-" You cut yourself off seeing Harry in the kitchen, not alone as you assumed he would be.

You're shocked; in front of you is Harry's mother, matching grins on both faces. Harry and his mother are staring at you. Food is out on the large counter as she stands from the stool she is sitting on.

"Y/N, this is my mum Anne," he says with a smile you hadn't seen before. It's clear it was reserved just for her, his mother. If you think about it long, it'll move you to tears, so instead, you grin. "Mum, this is Y/N or, well, Bel. A proper introduction, not through a computer."

Harry reminds you of when you surprised him with his family on a big call in Raleigh, North Carolina. And now, you are finally meeting his mother in person. A moment he has been waiting a long time for.

"Hi, Mrs. Twist. It's great to finally meet you in person. I'd have gotten you flowers if I knew you were coming." You shoot Harry a quick glare; he just laughs you off, offering you a kiss on your cheek as hello.

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