Tacoma, WA *

759 11 2

Seattle, Washington

It's nice here, you think as you take in the gloomy weather from outside the tour bus window. There's no sun hidden behind the endless clouds in the sky. It reminds you of the season you're actually going into, winter. You know a few cities are covered in snow, but Seattle is not one of them. You may finally see snow when you reach New York in a few weeks.

It was odd that Harry was not playing at the venue in Seattle. You knew very little about acquiring venues, but the most likely idea was that another artist would play in that arena that night. It would be an experience, is all you knew. Then with a show the following day in Portland, you knew you were in for a few busy days, which is why Harry let you drag him to the Public Market.

You bundled up in Harry's well-loved hot pink hoodie and black leggings. While Harry decided on his "Damn" hoodie and matching grey sweats. He looked cozy, and it was almost enough to send you back to bed to enjoy your time inside together, almost. Your craving for food got you both out the door.

"You enjoying Seattle?" Harry asks, bumping your shoulder to get your attention away from a young child collecting small flowers.

You grin at him, nodding, "yes, it's perfect. Cold and welcoming."

"Enjoy the cold then." He states.

"I do. Growing up in California, I enjoyed the sun and going to the ocean year-round, but nothing beats a rainy day or seeing snowfall."

"Is that why you liked London so much?" He guides you to a bench to sit down, moving away before the crowd can get a look at you.

"I guess. I didn't think of that." You sit there, letting your hand rest on top of his, neither of you moving to link your hands together, cautious of maybe being seen.

"You still want to head to the market?" He checks in, changing the topic, not wanting you to get lost in your head.

"There's a chance we'll be spotted," you remind him.

He grins, "I'm willing to risk it."

"Okay," you agree. "Me too."

You're walking around for a while, enjoying the environment. Walking close enough where your hands brush every few seconds. Harry decided having your hoods up would help; it also helped that it seemed to rain at the most random times, so it didn't make you stand out.

Harry pointed out a small child chasing their father with flowers, their laughter ringing loud, capturing everyone's attention. It made you imagine a future with Harry that might not be near but something you can look forward to. Pike Place Market was filled with different stores and places to eat. You and Harry honestly struggled to decide where to eat. You settled on The Crumpet Shop, it was all made fresh daily, and if you had it your way, you'd walk out with bags of the bread, but Harry had told you that would be excessive. He was right.

Walking past a sweet flower shop with the most beautiful flowers shining bright in the gloomy city, you knew you had to go, but something caught your eye.

"Look, H. There's a mercando." You point to a shop with its sign hanging above and a few people inside. "El Mercado Latino" was begging for you to walk in.

"Well, go on."


He chuckles, "there's no way I'm stopping you. Get me something good, yeah?"

"Not going in?"

He shakes his head, "I'll wait here."

You smile up at him, leaning on your toes to kiss him quickly when you catch yourself and take a step back. "Sorry, H."

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