The spaghetti monster

Start from the beginning

Maya; okay, Londyn ! I want to see the spaghetti monster too ! Ouhhhh woah
** Carina gave Londyn to Maya while she went to get Her baby towel and her pyjamas for the night, and she came back she immediately fell in love with her wife all over again **
Maya: I'll get you all cleaned up! Bye bye spaghetti monster! See you next time!
Londyn : bye bye nice noodle monster!
Carina: babe,
Maya : what, my love?
Carina: nothing, I love you so much, and I'm glad we get to do bath time together again, uhhh n I think I fell in love with you all over again?
Maya: really?
And I agree, we should be doing this more often! Even though giving our children bathes isn't a TWO PERSON JOB !
Carina: yea, but for us , it's extra bonding time!
Maya: siii !
Carina: kiss me please !
**Maya leaned her head back in her wife's shoulders and they both kissed and Carina kneeled down next to Maya and they washed their baby together **
**Maya and Carina both came downstairs with a fresh new clean little Londyn, in her white pyjamas with light blue polka dotted spots on them ! Chloe noticed that her momma had been stressed out a lot lately so she decided to google a sleeping baby Angel to give to her afterwards, she drew the baby with angels ! Now it's time to write down her name!**
Chloe: momma, quick question
Carina: yes my love,
Chloe: okay! Umm what would have been Juliette's middle name?
Maya Awnn, that's beautiful! You really really had everything planned out huh?
Carina: you think? I mean we have one with her middle name Grace , and the other one is Faith !
I mean it's only fitting for our precious sleeping Juliette to have HOPE , as her middle name no?
Maya: siii! I absolutely love it!
Chloe: okay thank youuu momma
Carina: whyyy?
Chloe: can't tell you, it's a surprise! But ITS NOT FINISHED! I will let you know when I'm done momma!
Carina: okay! Can't wait to see what it is!

** Carina suddenly felt extremely upset, **
Maya: what's wrong babe?
Carina: I can't stop thinking about our sleeping Angel Juliette , and how the dynamic with the kids and us would be so different, if she had survived just like Vivi and Scarley Did, I think I haven't grieve her loss completely, even if she was only 16 weeks of gestation... we never had a burial for her, because I lost her without really knowing that she was gone, when the twins were born, I saw their placenta and she was THERE! I didn't imagine her being inside of me , I know I WAS PREGNANT WITH TRIPLETS!

Maya: okay... babe I know... I saw the third baby too, and I agree with you that in order for everyone to properly grieve her loss is to have a proper burial. I will take care of that don't worry about it okay?
Carina: ohhhhhh kaaaaayy... thank you bambina.
Lorenzo: what is wrong momma? Why are you crying?
Carina: I'm fine bambino, I'm crying because I miss Juliette so much. I know she's waiting for us up in heaven.. and that she is not alone... she's with my mother. And I just wish we could have a place at the cemetery where we could come and visit her whenever we wanted to...
Lorenzo: Awnnn ** He came to be face to face with his momma and gave her a big hug **
I think it's a beautiful idea..
**Somehow the word spread around the house that they wanted to have a place to remember Juliette. Everyone was on board. Maya began to call the cemetery a few minutes away from where they lived... it's half an hour away.. it's perfect... maya wrote everything down on several pieces of paper... all they needed was a few things... like the day she gained her wings, her name, time of gestation in uterus... a picture to put on her headstone and A BODY.

Maya: shiiiit , we have everything except THE LAST THING ON YOUR LIST, come on sir, my wife.... She's been through a lot with this pregnancy.... Although it was seven years ago she desperately needs this to properly grieve. She passed the baby... she was not properly developed.... Yes sir I am absolutely sure that she did miscarry our triplet... WHAT KIND OF QUESTIONS IS THAT.?
** Several minutes later The man on the phone and Maya both calmed down... carina could hear all the commotion... finally they came to an agreement... the cemetery owners were going to find a spot for her. They told maya what to do since they were not going to be burring a real body... **
Maya: thank you sir. Bye bye. ** Maya hung up and sped up the stairs and went to Chloe's room.. Chloe wanted to wait for Maya to be off the phone before she could reveal her surprise to her moms**

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