Amira stepped towards his desk and Inej leapt up from her seat to intervene. " No closer." She snarled.

Kaz watched Amira's eyes narrow but she stopped moving any closer. She looked at him from around Inej's lithe body, silently assessing him. " This isn't your problem and if that asshole wants me back so badly he's going to soon realize I am done being ordered around." Amira snarled

Amira met Inej's eyes as she continued," I owe Kaz a life debt so I will make sure no harm comes to him, wraith. You don't have a reason to trust me yet I understand that but I'll prove myself to you all."

Kaz growled at her," I don't need you to protect me and besides it's your ass on the chopping block not mine. I will protect what's mine."

Kaz realized his mistake as Amira startled and Inej flinched.

Inej left the office without making another sound.

Kaz let her leave without comment his heart heavy. This was becoming nearly unbearable.

Nina glared at him and started to go after Inej but he held up a hand towards her.

" Leave her, I need you here." Kaz sighed running a hand through his hair

Nina's frown deepened but she settled herself back in her seat.

Amira sighed, " Listen I owe you for sparing me but this doesn't mean I'm yours anymore than I was his Kaz. I am not property and you are going to respect that I am my own person, capable of making my own decisions or you will live to regret it."

Nina smirked at him, seemingly admiring Amira's attitude. Jesper foolishly chimed in saying," Kaz owns all of us Crows. Why do you think you're going to be any different?"

Amira sneered at him, "No one owns me and I dare any man to try to claim they do. I know how to make a man crawl. You want a demonstration?" Amira flipped her blade around to point at him.

Wylan moved to step in between Jesper and Amira. She narrowed her eyes on him as he moved slowly and kept his hands visible. Kaz smirked, Wylan was learning. He was really fitting in with us criminals now.

"Please Amira, we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. Jesper doesn't mean any harm, he doesn't think before he speaks." He glared at Jesper before he continued," I respect that you're a fierce fighter and I imagine you've made many men bleed under your blade. I beg you not to harm Jesper."

Amira seemed to soften and she lowered her blade. She moved to sit in the only other empty chair in the room that was beside Nina. Once she sat, she glared at them all except for Wylan, who now seemingly was in her good books.

Kaz watched Wylan release a grateful sigh and smiled at Amira before he moved back over to Jesper's side.

Amira pointed at Wylan saying simply, " Him I like, the rest of you I guess we'll see."

Jesper smiled lovingly at Wylan ruffling his hair before nodding at Amira. " Yes he's truly the best of us."

We all watched as Wylan blushed under Jesper's praise.

Nina ruined the sweet moment by saying to Kaz, " Kaz what am I needed for? You're keeping me from the warmth of my bed and the man I left there.So if you have a reason I'd like to hear it."

Jesper laughed and smirked over  at her," Nina its nearly noon now and another man in your bed? What is that now three nights in a row?"

Nina gave him a icy glare," Shut up Jesper, You don't get to shame me for my bed partners especially when you yourself are a man slut. Besides not all of us have a Wylan in our life."

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