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We have an advantage. We know the terrain. Agus and his men don't. We all stand quietly and listen. We hear how it starts to shoot in front of the front door. They are here. 

I get ready and as soon as the door is pushed open all I hear is gunshots.The structure soon no longer exists and I lose track. 

I don't know where the others are anymore. There are more than we expected. Significantly more than us. 

I shoot down many of Agus' men, but more and more keep coming. I hear shots again and turn around quickly. I react quickly and shoot. 

When there are no enemies in sight for a moment, I search for familiar faces. In the chaos nobody noticed where the others went. 

I quickly run up the stairs because there is no opponent in sight. Actually, I have to make sure that I get to the underground car park quickly, because that's where the cars we want to escape with are parked.It's quiet up there. There doesn't seem to be anyone here. Where are they all? 

I hear shots from below. I quickly hide behind a corner and cautiously look down. There, two men are shooting at Heeseung. I curse softly and think about how I can help him.I don't know how long we've been fighting, but there are already too many dead. 

I walk quietly and crouch down the stairs. If I shoot now, they'll know I'm here. If I don't shoot, they'll kill Heeseung. I can't allow that. I point my gun at one of the men and hit him in the back. I shoot two more bullets and he falls to the ground. Heeseung reacted quickly and brought down the second man.I rush to Heeseung and see that his shirt is covered in blood."What happened?" I ask in horror. "Just a grazing shot. Those idiots really can't aim." I look at him in horror. How can he be so relaxed? 

"Do you know where the others are?" I ask and look around the totally destroyed living room. Heeseung shakes his head and holds his bleeding arm. "We have to get to the cars," I say and Heeseung nods. "If the others aren't there yet, we'll wait. We must take enough weapons with us to defend ourselves long enough!" says Heeseung. "Are you really alright?" I ask, looking at Heeseung with concern. He doesn't answer but leads the way towards the hallway where the stairs to the basement are. 

Jake rushes in from outside. "Thank God I found you guys!" says Jake, relieved. When he sees Heeseung's arm, Jake's eyes widen. "Are you alright?" he asks worried. Heeseung nods "where are the others?".Jake takes a deep breath, "Niki and Jay are outside. We had to run outside and then we separated. I don't know where they are now. I wanted to see if anyone was at the cars already," Jake informs. 

 "I have to find Jay and Niki" I say firmly. Heeseung holds me by the arm, "The more at the cars, the better. I want to find them too but there's no point Jungwon! Just don't get emotional." I don't want to obey Heeseung but I know the older one is right. I pull myself together and go down the stairs to the basement with the two of them."We have to be careful," Heeseung says quietly. 

Arriving at the bottom we see many dead friends and enemies. I don't want to look.I can't see my friends lying there dead. 

Suddenly shots are fired again. Since I was the last to go, I couldn't make it through the door to the stairwell.Heeseung and Jake had disappeared behind the door and could no longer open it from the outside. So I'm alone.The one who shot me is behind a bend in the corridor. I have to find cover. I quickly squeeze myself into a door frame. I hear the person come out of hiding and run towards me. I'm getting ready to shoot.When I quickly lean forward and want to shoot, I stop. I can't believe my eyes and immediately lower my weapon.He's staring at me too.

 "Sunoo?" I ask totally horrified. Even my best friend seems very surprised "what are you doing here Jungwon?" he asks. We can't go on because we hear someone coming down the stairs. "Shit" Sunoo says, pointing his gun at me again. I look at him totally confused. 

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