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"I'm sure you want to see this," says Niki, pointing proudly at the screen."I found out what cell phone Agus was using. I just found the location the call was made from."Jay looks at Niki "You're really good" he says. "Well done little one" says Mingyu, who has also appeared in the meantime. "Let's go. Immediately. Niki, you're coming with me" says Jay."Jungwon, you too."I look at him confused "me?""Do you know anyone else named Jungwon?" asks Sunghoon. 

I run after the others and climb into the back seat of the Mercedes with Niki that Jay is driving. Several cars speed down the street to the gate, which opens and for the first time in two years I'm in one of the cars.

We don't drive long, when we arrive Jay gets out first. We are located in an industrial area which is out of service. We slowly and quietly go near the halls. Niki says in which hall the cell phone should be.

"Pay attention. It could be a trap," says Jay and everyone nods.Changbin opens the door and we enter the hall.It is empty. "Look around," Jay commands.

I walk through the hall with Niki and pay attention to every little thing. Jay is standing at the door with some men around him.

"Look" I say and point my flashlight at a table.Niki follows my gaze. "Until recently, there were still boxes or something similar here. There's dust here, but you can see clean spots. They must have been here a long time," I say.Niki goes to get Jay."They must have known we were coming," Jay says angrily. "Probably because their spy didn't come back," remarks Mingyu. Jay nods "we can't do anything more here. We missed them. We have to be smarter."

Jay walks out of the hall and everyone follows him to the cars. I can still feel at home how annoyed he is.

As everyone goes to their beds, as it is very late, I knock on Jay's door. He opens and makes room for me to enter his room. "I know you blame yourself, but it would have been too easy if we had caught him today," I say and he nods slightly. "Thanks for letting me come," I say."It's okay. I didn't expect to see Agus there anyway. It would be too easy like you said. I heard from Mingyu that you have a plan to get something out of the spy.I'm excited," says Jay.I chuckle slightly, "I'll find out everything he knows. If I have to pull every hair out of him to do it. I let him suffer until he talks. He won't stop talking," I say. Jay looks amused, "Sometimes I wish I had met you under different conditions. As normal teenagers.We could party with our friends, play games and get drunk." "When this is all over... Then we'll do stuff like that"Jay grins.

"I will go to sleep now. Tomorrow I'll ask this idiot again. I don't think he's ready to talk yet, but we'll see," I inform Jay. He nods "good night." I smile slightly and leave his room to go to my own room and fall into bed there exhausted.


When I wake up the next morning, it's 7am. I straighten up and then go downstairs where Izumi is already standing in the kitchen."Good morning," I say and she smiles at me. "Where's Jay?" I ask, looking around. "He wanted to go for a little walk," his mother informs me.

I nod and quickly put my jacket on. Then I go outside to find Jay. I finally spot him behind the house in the park. He seems to be traveling without bodyguards. I run to him and wish him good morning. "You shouldn't go around unarmed," I say. Jay nods "I'll be careful. You don't have to worry," he says. I fold my arms "I don't do that!"Jay grins "Sure." I roll my eyes and look around "do you come out here every morning?". Jay nods "when I have time for it. I like this big area. Sometimes I just need time to let my mind wander. "Then I'll leave you alone," I say and turn around. Jay holds my hand "You're welcome to stay here," he says quietly. 

We both wince when suddenly a shot rings out. I pull Jay behind me and draw my gun. I see the attacker behind a bush "Jay hide!" I say quickly.

I aim for the man who shot Jay but missed.I shoot and hit the person in the arm.

The person shoots. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder.

The pain is so intense my head starts pounding.I only see the person blurred and shoot the person several times until they are on the ground. 

I hear several steps coming towards us from the house. Nervous talking. Then I feel the ground. I'm lying on the grass and everything around me gets dark.


 I slowly open my eyes. The light is way too bright. "Hey, welcome back," I hear Izumi's voice. I turn my head and look at her. "What happened?" I ask, carefully sitting up. "You were protecting Jay and got shot but don't worry you'll be fine."I rub my eyes and then feel the pain in my shoulder again "is Jay okay?". Izumi walks over to me and nods, "Jay wasn't hurt. Thanks to you.Thank you for taking such good care of my son" she smiles. I just nod and smile a little too."Jay really likes you, so take care not only of him but also of yourself. Besides, you're important to the rest of us, too."I smile gratefully, "I promise." 

When the door opens, I wince. "Well, you look healthy again," Mingyu grins. I smirk "it's just a scratch.""Can you walk again?" asks Mingyu and I get up to test if everything works. Then I nod. "Jay will definitely want to see you. He's in his office," informs Mingyu. I nod and leave the room.

 "Your first gunshot wound, cool," says Niki, who comes towards me outside. I laugh a little, "that hurts a lot. So don't aim for it."
"That was really cool of you," Niki says and I say thank you before knocking on Jay's office.

 "Come in" it sounds. I open the door and enter cautiously. When Jay sees me, he gets up from his desk and walks towards me. I'm quite surprised when he wraps his arms around me "Are you alright?" he asks worried. I nod and meet his eyes as he breaks the hug."I was scared for you," Jay admits. I smile "you won't get rid of me that easily"."Maybe I don't want to get rid of you," Jay says quietly. Only now do I realize how close we are to each other. 

"I told you to take care of yourself," he says now. "I know. I did that. I took care of both of us" I answer softly. "I don't want anything to happen to you, got it?" Jay asks. I put my hands on the collar of his jacket. I can feel his heartbeat and a wave of warmth coursing through me."I'm alive and fine, don't worry.""I'll try. You're just quite adventurous," he grins lightly. "I promise I'll be careful. But only if you promise me that you will no longer carry out any actions completely on your own. I...I'm worried about you," I admit. 

It's the first time I've admitted to Jay and to myself that I'm worried about him.

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