•thank you•

6.4K 99 5

I wanna thank you all for reading this book. It's currently at 49.7K I think 😂 like holy crap you guys are actually reading MY books wow it's amazing and it's a special feeling. But it means a lot to me for your votes and your comments which either made me laugh so hard that I would cry or smile so much that my cheeks would hurt 😁 I love each and everyone of you 🙈 btw on Saturday I'm seeing my boos on stage and honestly I'm so excited I may hyperventilate 😜 add me on snapchat for footage at the concert :-) name- katiekat2106 (I made this when I was like 12 so the name is suuuuuper cringy😒) have a good evening everyone xxxx ❤️

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