~Patience is a virtue~

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I literally couldn't wait until morning to write this chapter or at least start it so rn it currently 1:15 am so don't mind if it's cringy or poorly written bc most of my chapters are written at night before I go to sleep since I sleep during the day 😭

As always, enjoy!


THE TIME SLOWED down for both of them. Thomas catching flashes of his surroundings; the tree, the branches, the ground that was creeping up on him, the panicking boys now not so far below him trying figure out what to do in the little time they were given.

And the girl from earlier reaching her arms out to him.

Since the branch that he jumped from was higher than hers, that gave her an advantage and a little more time to prepare herself. But for him it just seemed like his landing would be even more painful.

Of course he was confused on why she'd want to help him because it seemed as if she hated him, but he never had time to process any of the many emotions and thoughts spinning around his mind in an endless loop.

On the other hand the only thing going through her mind was 'What if I don't catch him? What if he slips through my grip and falls? What if I fall? Why do I care about him so much?'

She clasped onto his extended arms— her hands right above his shoulder— but her grip wasn't the best.

He continued to slide through her grasp, now she tried even harder to hold on but her palms were already at his elbows.

The frantic brunette snapped out of his daze and tried to cling to her as best as he could but gravity still wasn't on his side.

Their hands now locked on each others wrists for one more attempt at safety. Holding on to one another with all their might, Thomas finally stopped falling.

Y/N was bent in half with the upper part of her torso practically hanging in the air, her legs remained tightly wrapped around the tree. Thomas had his eyes closed but once he felt himself stop so suddenly he was sure that he had hit the ground. When he opened his eyes his saw himself dangling above the leaf-covered dirt and the others off to the side. But who was holding onto him?

Y/N was. As soon as Thomas looked up they both let out a sigh of relief. Although Y/N couldn't talk she still mouthed 'I got you.' to him and he immediately understood. But how did he know that? He certainly didn't know how to read lips and yet for some reason he knew what she said.

Now came the challenge of pulling him up or waiting for Alby and the rest to form a circle and catch Thomas.

Y/N definitely was not a quitter and wouldn't just drop this boy after potentially saving his life, so she went with the only viable option in her eyes.

She focused more on lifting herself up rather than lifting him up, a little trick she came up with to make lifting things or people up easier.

"Holy shuck Y/N!" Newt stood wide-eyed, amazed at his friend who just caught a boy while hanging off a branch.

Minho watched with his jaw agape, "No way she just caught him."

Alby just laughed in disbelief but had a smile creeping up on his face.

Minho didn't know what Y/N was doing so he asked Newt, "Is she gonna drop him and we'll catch him?"

"No I think she's got him." He smiled.

Once Y/N got Thomas high enough she started to adjust her grip and she place her hand under one of his arms and his free hand attached itself to the tree.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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