Before The Maze

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"No, please! I'm begging you, PLEASE," Thomas was practically on his knees begging at this point, "Leave her! Please!" He pleaded.

Janson did nothing but scoff at the boy's weak attempt to keep Y/N in a safe place.

Ava spoke up from the other side of the hall, "Now, Thomas, you know any relationships, other than professional ones, in the workplace are forbidden. I don't know why you would do this to yourself— to the two of you. This is simply the consequences of your actio"

"Take me! Please, I-I'm begging you, I'll never doJust. . ." Thomas couldn't keep it in any longer. His eyes burned so badly to the point where he couldn't tell if the tears were from sadness or the flames in his eyeballs. He broke down into a loud sob and fell to the floor, unintentionally landing on his knees which, in return, earned a cackle from Janson. He rarely ever let any emotion creep onto his lifeless face, but this was just so amusing to him.

"Say goodbye, Thomas," Ava whispered. Part of this hurt her because she had known the boy since he was little, she thought of him as one of her closer test subjects.

"Please" He choked and coughed, but remained crying.

"Thomas, it's okay. I-I'll be fine, right?" Y/N's voice was frail and cracked numerous times, a side of her that had never been shown. It would've taken Thomas by surprise, but he was too consumed with his own thoughts.

"Yes, Y/N, you'll be alright. You won't remember a thing." Ava gave a weak smile to the girl whose small frame was turned in her direction.

But her eyes remained on Thomas.

"Let me keep them— some-any! J-Just please, let me have some."

"You know I can't do that, it would alter the results of the test. If only you'd done what I told you to, you would've"

"Oh my god! Enough with the sappy whining already!" Janson groaned. "Throw her in the Maze. This is what they were made for, nothing more and nothing less. They're test subjects, lab rats— point is, they shouldn't be treated like humans. Don't give them this satisfaction." He walked towards Y/N with a twisted grin. Her wrists had been restrained against her will for pushing a guard off her.

"This is why we call you ratman, you sick fuck!"

He held up a hand and swiftly delivered a smack across her face with the back of his hand. She felt her head snap to the side, her cheek already left with a red mark.

Y/N felt laughter bubbling in her chest, creeping its way up her throat. She wanted to scoff in the man's face. Wanted to take his power like he'd taken hers. "You think that hurt? If you wanna' hit kids now, then at least make sure it's not a pathetic little slap!"

Just as the girl had tested her luck, pushed his limits, she wasn't so lucky, Janson hadn't held back this time. He clenched his fist and wound it up, sending it flying at her face and hitting her between the side of her nose and her eye.

Y/N immediately slumped on the ground, landing on the cold, hard floor. It sounded like a rock was dropped on the floor, it was a sharp sound that sliced through the the otherwise quiet air.

Thomas lunged forward at Janson with everything he had in him but was sent back, landing on the floor in an identical way to Y/N. This time it was different though, shock waves were being sent through his body.

One of the guards had shot him with the shock gun. That's what Y/N called it. It was used on her before as punishment for getting caught in a place she shouldn't have been.

Thomas let out an agonizing screech of pain. He sent his hand up to the device that was buried in his chest. His grip held tight around the metal, and it felt as if rage burned deep within his soul. The boy ripped it out, letting out a scream.

Y/N, on the other hand, stumbled while trying to get up, falling three times. She held up a hand to her face, finding no pain, just extreme pressure. She was expecting searing pain. It felt wrong not to feel it after that blow. Her fingers grazed her eye and nose to the point where it induced a sharp sting when she touched her face. Pulling her hand away, there was blood on her. fingertips. And a lot of it.

Y/N only saw blurred figures and heard ringing, but could tell someone was on the floor.

Distorted voices slowly reached her ears, and the bright fluorescent light pierced her eyes. It was Thomas. The figure on the floor was Thomas. Her Thomas.

She went to stand up, swearing that she'd kill whoever did this, but was met with the cold floor and another hit to the head. "WhatWhy can't I stand?" Panic was evident in her voice.

"Great. Look what you've done, Janson. We were supposed to send her into the Maze and now you've damaged her. She'll have to spend the night in the infirmary." Ava snapped at Janson, who rolled his eyes in response.

"She'll be fine. Just send her in injured, I'm sure subject A6 would love some company."

Janson looked away and signaled to the guards to pick her up. The girl backed up, desperation flooding each limb as she struggled to get away, but ultimately, Y/N felt her body being dragged away.

Thomas sat up and caught one last look of her face that he wouldn't see again for a while.

Y/N's head hung low but perked up when she heard Thomas scream her name.

Two guards picked him up and carried him off in the opposite direction while squirming in their arms, desperately trying to get back to Y/N. His Y/N.


That was the last she saw of him.

The last look she'd get of his beet-red face, and glossy eyes with tears staining his cheeks for three years.

"Oh, and Janson," Ava called, making the man turn back, "Clean up this mess you've made. I taught you better than this." The blonde pointed towards blood that was splattered on the floor in puddles and hand prints. It was like a map of Y/N's struggles to collect herself.

Janson found it amusing, he thought of it as a reward. Justice that had been served.

"It was worth it." He smiled.

Ava looked at him, disappointment in her eyes, "I hope it was."


I just wrote this whole thing all in one sitting😟

What do we think about the first chapter?

Also idk what time i started but it's 10:09 pm right now

Ik this is a slow start and it's not the best backstory but there will be more flashbacks i promise

Questions/tips/anything here ——>


Word count: 1138

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