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I'm sorry this is going so SLOW but it'll get better soon, these are just some background stories/info and Y/N building her relationships with the other gladers. Enjoy!

!IMPORTANT! If anyone has just started to read my series and is unaware of the messages posted on my board, please note that I'm going to completely redo/rewrite every chapter after the 'Before The Maze' chapters. I'm sorry if anything ahead is cringy, but that's because I haven't edited it yet.


"IS THAT A person?" Y/N asked.

It sounded again, along with words so quiet and slurred that she would've never heard it if we didn't stop walking. The sound of our footsteps would've drowned the noise out.

"It sounds like one— But who?"

"Or what. It could be a griever."

"Y/N, you actually think a griever would make that noise? It's daytime."

"Yeah, but we can't underestimate—"

"H-Help." The smallest voice squeaked from somewhere close, but neither of the Runners could pinpoint where.

"Did you hear that?" Minho turned towards her, his brows stitched in the center.

"Mhm." Y/N hummed. Both friends had a similar look of dubiety painted on their faces.

"Who's running today?"

"Uh, I don't know. Minho, it's so early I'm not sure if anyone else is up."

Another grunt and some shuffling passed through the tense air. Minho took a few cautious steps towards the direction of the noise, his legs slightly bent at the knee and his arm floating from his body as if he'd strike the threat at any second. The girl followed, her senses on guard. Minho approached an intersection first, and Y/N motioned for him to go right whilst she'd go left.

"Help m-me." A meek voice pleaded.

"Who is that?" He turned his head to the side to check his pathway, turning around towards Y/N.

"I don't know but it sounded like..." Blood. There was blood all over the concrete. Bloody handprints, shoe prints, any prints one could imagine were there.

Minho crept up behind her, spotting the same, "This blood has to have a body, right?"

"It sounded like... Oh my god. OH MY GOD IT SOUNDED LIKE— Oh— No, no, no, no!" Y/N felt her legs wobble as she took off darting around the stone walls. Her muscles hastily resorted to burning beneath her skin, pleading for a break. She could've tumbled any moment, and she couldn't even hear Minho chasing after her, demanding to know what happened and what was on her mind.

With every pathway that I passed I gave a quick look down them and kept running. "MINHO HELP ME LOOK FOR HIM! COME ON!"

"Him? Who's him? Y/N come on just tell me what's go-"

I almost missed it, but saw the familiar boots sticking out from some ivy, and the dark blood on the dirty floor. I slid to a stop and half fell over because of how fast I was running, but I caught myself and got back on my feet.

"That's him-" I pointed at the shoes and all too familiar off-white shirt. Except it wasn't off-white anymore, it was more red from all that blood with hints of brown dirt.

"Is that-"

I took off with my vision fixed on the figure and I prayed it wasn't who I thought it was. "Oh please, no please. It can't be, it-it can't"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 | 𝘛𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now