Chapter 18: Brutal Love

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The cream and brown Littlepaw lay sullenly on the fluffy thing Xiera called a towel as Russet Rush drafted gentle waves of heat over her and Depthpaw.

When the commotion had died down the RoadWalker had pulled out the fluffy sheet and had stretched it out on the ground, and Xiera had explained to Aldertrail and Thornslash that it was to prevent the water from making the ground slippery.

Splash Sprint was still out hunting, the apprentices had broken into groups and were whispering about what happened, and the higher ranks were crouched at the nose of the water monster discussing something.

"That was really reckless of you, kit," sighed Russet Rush in very clear disapproval, his disappointment directed at Depthpaw who looked too tired to retaliate that he wasn't a kit.

"You clearly couldn't swim; what would possess you to leap into the dangerous water on your own instead of letting a cat who can actually swim get her?" He reprimanded.

"I.." the Titanpaw shuffled nervously. "I was really scared for Goslingpaw and I wanted to save her like how she saved me when we were younger," he mumbled sheepishly.

Goslingpaw felt heat rush to her cheeks at that statement and quickly hid her face in her wings so Depthpaw and Russet Rush couldn't see her fluster.

"Ah, young love. Such a beautiful thing. That was still the stupidest thing you could've done," Russet Rush scolded, wafting a particularly hard draft of warm air at the Titanpaw. "Don't do it again. You put yourself in danger."

Depthpaw hung his head and sighed. "Yes Russet Rush," he sulked. Goslingpaw inched closer to him and nuzzled his cheek affectionately. "Thank you, though. You are the bravest tom in the whole world."

Depthpaw blinked in a flustered manner before he hesitantly returned the affection. "I.. it was nothing, Goslingpaw. Any cat would've done the same for a cat they lo- care for," he replied.

She just smiled and rested her head near his, and soon she felt his own nestle into her cheek fur, earning an amused 'awwwww' from Russet Rush.

Suddenly, Azurestar yowled for attention and he had launched himself atop a stack of crates in a corner of the water monster. "Looks like you both are needed," the russet cryptid hummed. "Go on."

Immediately, both cats scrambled to their paws and scampered over to where the clan was gathering, finding the younger granite brothers and Softpaw and settling down with them.

Azurestar glared around at the cats of BlazeClan, blue eyes flashing with anger and determination. "Cats of BlazeClan!" He roared.

"I am sick and bloody tired of the way our culture, if it can even be considered as it, is going on. I am FINISHED with our misogynistic ways and I am TIRED of seeing toms look down on she-cats like they are nothing."

His tail lashed angrily and his eyes glittered menacingly, and no cat dared to say a word. "Therefore, I have decided that I am going to TERMINATE our code."

Yowls of protest coming from the Claws and Titanpaws immediately rose, but a shrieking screech from the silver furred leader silenced them all immediately.

"You heard me," he snarled. "I don't care if you call me soft or weak. But I am DONE with the way we have been treating the she-cats for moons."

He leapt down from the crate and snarled, "She-cats are the ones who give life to us. Without them we would not be here today." His gaze swung to the Nettles.

"The Nettles heal us from injury and sickness. Without them BlazeClan would've ceased to exist moons ago from plague and infection!" He added.

His narrowed blue eyes flared and he glared back at the Claws. "And I believe that if given the chance, she-cats can and will prove they can be just as, if not stronger than a tom."

No cat dared to complain.

The fear scent of the toms in the clan radiated in waves because of the ferocious BlazeClan leader. No one dared to challenge him; if he could take down Beetlescar, he could easily take them down too.

He paced around for a moment, before he snarled, "When we arrive to the Northern Kingdoms, I expect NONE of you to talk down to the she-cats or be disrespectful. Is that clear?"

No cat answered, and he narrowed his eyes further. "IS THAT CLEAR?" He roared.

"Yes, Azurestar!" Yowled the clan in terror. He flicked his ear, satisfied. "Very well. You all better remember this."

Terrified whispering and nodding hurriedly rippled through the clan, and all was well until Splash Sprint flew in with a massive fish in his jaws.

"What happened?"

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