Extra 3- interviewing Shoto and Ivy

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Todoroki sat in a plush red velvet chair holding his wife's hand in his who was looking around the studio nervously, her free hand that wasn't clinging to his, tapping against her thigh. Both heroes were in their costumes after having gotten off of their respective patrols and were immediately swept into an interview with the press.

Interviewer- We are so happy to have you here with us tonight Mr and Mrs Todoroki!

Cassie blushed her cheeks flushing bright red along with the tips of her pointed ears and Todoroki chuckled softly at her shyness.

Todoroki- Thank you for having us.

Cassie tucked a strand of her long pink hair behind her ear, her cuff earrings flashing in the bright lights of the studio. She nodded her head in agreement, still feeling too shy to speak up at the moment. She hated being in front of cameras at specially ones that were broadcasting her face live to thousands of people.

Interviewer- So as I am sure you're both aware your relationship has been a hot topic since your debut into hero society, can you tell us how you met each other?

Cassie smiled softly, shuffling closer to Todoroki's side recalling how the two had met all those years ago. It was almost like a dream. Todoroki wrapped his fingers around Cassie's intertwining their hands together gently.

Ivy- Well it's a funny story really, I got locked outside during one of Japan's biggest snow storms to date and coincidentally Sho and his family decided to do some charity work and he found me half frozen in the snow. He basically saved my life that day.

The pinkette giggled feeling more at ease now that she had decided to speak up. The reporter nodded her head clearly intrigued by the woman's story. She gently clapped her hands together making an " aww " noise.

Interviewer- That's absolutely adorable! You two reunited at U.A correct?

Shoto- Yes we did. At first I tried to avoid her because I wanted to focus on becoming stronger but after watching her rish her life for her classmates during the USJ attack I realized how much I still cared about her.

Ivy- I remember being so upset when he told me he didn't have time to make connections. But luckily our classmates had a way of bringing people out of their shells so it worked out in the end.

The woman frowned comically at her husband than playfully stuck her tongue out causing the taller man to smile fondly down at her, running the fingers of his free hand through her hair smoothing it out.

Interviewer- How long have you two been together?

Ivy- Um we got together officially around I want to say the latter end of our first year, we were technically dating before but Shoto didn't officially ask me to be his girlfriend after Dynomite and I were caught by the league.

Shoto- eight years, seven months, twelve days and a hundred fifty minutes.

The studio fell silent, everyone's attention was on the man who was acting like he hadn't just told them down to the minute from when they started dating. Cassie's laughter broke the silence as she doubled over in her seat clutching at her stomach.
" Oh my god Todo your suck a dork, I love you." She managed to gasp out as she wheezed from laughing so hard.

The reporter soon joined in as well as several other crew members in the studio. What made it better was that Todoroki had no idea why people were laughing in the first place. He glanced down at the pinkette raising an eyebrow as she dabbed at her eyes letting out one last laugh before sitting upright.

Ivy- He's so funny, right?

She asks looking at the interviewer with a bright happy smile as she fixed her hair which was now a little messy.

Ivy- You should have seen him when he did his first mock interview in class it was absolutely hilarious. I'm pretty sure I dropped like a fly from how hard I laughed.

Reporter- That was very impressive Mr. Todoroki, It's a wonder you've kept track after so long.

The interview wrapped up after another half hour of questions and just as the camera crew was about to turn off the broadcast Todoroki leaned down to Cassie's height placing a quick loving kiss on her cheek. " You did wonderful tonight Cassie." He whispered in her elf-like ear as the two walked out of the building hand in hand. " Although I'm not sure what you found so funny." He added with a frown to which Cassie elbowed his side. " I'll tell you when we get home weirdo." She joked happily.

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