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Most of the next few days consisted of Cassie only talking to Todoroki outside of school on their walks home, she hadn't told him why and he didn't ask although he knew she was bothered by him in some way or form.

Cassie sat silently at her desk peering out the window as rain dripped down the glass. Head propped up on her closed fist Cassie let out a gloomy sigh, she hated the rain. Yes it was good for the environment and she liked it in that sense but at the same time it prohibited her from going outside without getting soaked, it also limited her access to sunlight.

Professor Midnight droned on about how a hero's costume defined a pro to the public, something about capturing the attention of the masses, honestly Cassie could care less about the topic. She wasn't training to be a hero for fame, in fact she hated the idea of all those eyes on her, watching her every move, never getting a true moment alone. She already felt like she was being watched from time to time as is.

She wanted to be a hero to protect families. She never wanted anyone to go through what she and Ray had been put through. Villains killed families all the time leaving thousands of children without their parents. The amount of children on the streets was deplorable and Cassie already knew most of the current hero's weren't doing anything to protect them.

She would protect them though, she would protect them because the hero's never protected her nor her best friend. The two had just been faceless mouths to feed, a waste of air in society. Hero's were flawed Cassie never doubted that but she stood by her belief that she and the rest of the heroes in training would turn the system around for the better.

Midnight passed out schematics of the class's costumes, asking them to look over the designs and figure out if there was anything they wanted to add or adjust in the coming months. Cassie stared down at her costume blankly. She didn't need to change how her costume looked, it served its purpose and that's what it was supposed to do. Sure it wasn't flashy but it was hers none the less.

For the rest of her classes Cassie dozed off, only paying attention to the subjects she knew she needed to know. The rain always made the pinkette mellow, calming her normally cheerful attitude, muddling her senses and making her drowsy.

The final bell rang and Cassie lifted her head up glancing around at her classmates who were packing up their bags, talking amongst themselves about trivial things the girl had no interest in listening in on, gossip was never really her thing.

Ray was doing some extra quirk training in the gym with some third year students so Cassie was left on her own to walk home. She normally would not have minded, she knew her friend was head over heels in love with Mirio Togeta although the dragon girl would never openly admit it.

The only problem was that Ray had both of the girls' umbrellas meaning Cassie would have to walk back home without one, in the pouring rain, all alone and it was also really damn cold out. Head hanging low, Cassie let out a soft sigh bracing herself for the inevitable as she stood in front of the school's main doors.

With considerable effort she shoved the doors open letting the chilly wind wash over her, raising goosebumps along her arms and making the girl shiver uncomfortably. Crossing her arms over her chest in a pitiful attempt to contain her body heat Cassie stepped out into the rain almost instantly getting sopping wet, this day couldn't get any worse.

The day could in fact get much much worse. Trudging through the rain was one thing but thunder was another thing, Cassie may have disliked rain but she down right hated thunder. She was never able to put a finger on why but thunder always reminded the girl of yelling.

Cassie's eyes widened in fright as she felt her soul practically leave her body, thunder rumbling loudly in the distance accompanied by a small flash of lightning, Cassie couldn't help but wonder if her classmate Denki enjoyed lightning because of his quirk.

Head bowed, body shaking like a leaf hanging onto a tree branch for dear life, Cassie kept walking. She was so cold, the rain freezing her to the bone. In her moment of anguish Cassie almost didn't notice when the rain stopped.

Blinking in confusion Cassie looked up to see if the rain had ceased its assault but alas it had not, it just wasn't raining on her more so around her. Tilting her head up more Cassie was met with a beautiful pair of heterochromatic blue and silver eyes.

Cassie felt her breath catch in her throat as she stared at Todoroki who quietly held his large umbrella above her head maintaining eye contact with the short pinkette. It took her a second to collect her thoughts and speak. " Todoroki what are you doing here?" Cassie asked, her voice soft and hesitant as if she weren't sure if he were real or a figment of her imagination.

The boy's lips formed a small smile, if Cassie had blinked she would have missed it. He didn't respond, instead using his free hand that wasn't holding his umbrella to gently coax Cassie closer to his side. She didn't protest, quickly shuffling her way next to him and further away from the wretched rain.

" Ray told me you left your umbrella.'' was the only answer he offered up before slowly and subtly heating up the left side of his body that he had pressed Cassie up against purposefully. He knew she was cold and he could see her shivering so he decided to warm her up the best he could.

Cassie bit her lip glancing over her shoulder warily to which her companion took note of shooting the short girl a questioning glance to which she returned with a small smile. Telling the boy she thought she left her pencil back at her desk but would just pick it up the next day.

To quell any worries the boy might've had Cassie grabbed Todoroki's free hand intertwining his larger fingers with her smaller ones. Neither of them said anything else, walking quietly under Todoroki's umbrella in a peaceful comforting silence.

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