Never fear, I am here

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Previously on Chasing a Memory

" You're just like your father, you conniving, insufferable, little bitch!" He yelled in anger, haterade radiating off him in almost visible waves. Cassie's blood ran cold as his words echoed in her head. You're just like your father.




Only having seconds to think Cassie slid her body against the ground, the fabric of her costume creating enough of a barrier between the concrete and her skin. Closing in on her classmates Cassie shot her arm out causing a nearby bush to explode, leaves shooting in every direction.

Cassie activated her quirk again hardening each leaf floating to the ground into small sharp projectiles which she hurled at the villains. Several managed to cut deep wounds into the blue haired man's arms and cheek. This wasn't meant to kill him, just keep his attention so her friends could run.

Mineta was the first to move, somehow managing to drag a worried Tsu and Midoriya away from the fight. Before he could get very far though Midoriya broke away from his grasp dashing back over to the pink haired girl.

" I'm not leaving you to fight alone Cassie!" he shouted desperately as he powered up his quirk only to be interrupted by a loud boom of one of the USJ walls crumbling inwards revealing the large shadowed form of the number one hero Allmight.

" Never fear, for I am here!" his voice boomed with power echoing through the entire building and Cassie could almost feel the relief that flowed through her classmates as they looked up in awe at someone they all greatly admired.

He was here, so that means everything would be okay and Cassie could finally rest and process what was happening. She could restore her energy and not have to worry about maybe getting stabbed by a villain.

Swaying on her feet the full brunt of the pinkette's exhaustion started to kick in, the dull thudding pain in her head worsening by the second. She knew she would pass out at any moment now. Right on que the girl lost her balance falling backwards on a one way trip to the ground.

Before her eyes closed Cassie saw Allmight fighting that big buff bird thing in a brutal battle, and she felt one warm and one cold hand on her waist seemingly picking her up. Her attention shifted and through half closed eyelids she saw a pair of worried blue and gray heterochromatic eyes worriedly watching over her.

" Don't close your eyes " the boy chided as he carried the girl with the rest of his slightly injured classmates out of the building and to a waiting ambulance. He glanced back once to look at the fight that ended just as fast as it had started watching his green haired classmate cry and hug the number one hero.

Turning back to the girl in his arms he shook his head a small barely there smile twitching at the corner of his lips as he looked fondly down at her. She had fallen asleep, her sharp ears drooping down and her hair framing her face. 

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