Long nights

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Cassie had been cleared to return home from recovery girl's office earlier that morning to which she had been overjoyed to be reunited with her cozy room in the house she shared with her best friend.

She was the only one home currently because Ray had gone out to stock up on snacks as their pantry was dangerously low on junk food. Normally Cassie had no problem being alone but after the events that had occurred at the USJ she couldn't shake her growing sense of unease.

The villains knew her father, or at least they knew of him judging by what that one blue haired dude had mentioned. She wanted answers so badly, wanted to track down the man who almost killed her teacher and demand he tell her what he knew but obviously that was stupid.

So instead Cassie sat on the edge of her room's balcony legs dangling precariously over the side of the ornately carved stone railing that fenced the open space outside her large window. It was still pretty early on in the night so she had a clear view of the street below her which she absentmindedly watched.

  Kicking her bare feet back and forth Cassie swayed her body in tempo with the low breeze that swept past her ever so gently as if it were trying to sooth her rattled mind. She hadn't had time to truly be alone with her thoughts up until that moment and a part of her knew that's why she was so desperate for Shoto to stay by her side. Well that and the fact that she was so helplessly and completely in love with the boy.

Because she knew that if he were with her she wouldn't have to wonder about her past, worry about all the things that lay ahead of her or question why she felt as though she was being watched.

She had recently started sensing the gaze of someone she couldn't see, it didn't happen all the time in fact it was rather rare but it happened enough that she was aware that she was almost definitely being watched.

It was either that or she was slowly going insane and Cassie really didn't want that to be the case all though in context maybe that would have proved to be the better option. She hated it, hated how lately whenever she found herself alone she fell victim to her own brain.

It was like it was actively antagonizing her, punishing her for trying to find her missing memory, making her feel paranoid and forcing her to think about all the things she didn't want to think about.

A car zooming past down below drew Cassie's attention and she quietly noted that from where she sat everything felt so much smaller even though she wasn't that high up off the ground as she was only sitting on the fourth floor of her home, the girls did technically live in a small mansion thanks to Ray's mother.

She asked herself where all those cars and people were going, were they rushing back to their families after a long day of work or maybe they were going out with friends for the night. So many possibilities, so many different lives and family bonds but none of them were hers.

No matter what she did, no matter the lengths she went through Cassie was beginning to think maybe she would never get her memories back. Maybe it would be better that way she thought to herself quietly.

Technically speaking she was happy, she had friends and a boy whom all loved and cared about her so wasn't it selfish for the pinkette to seek out more? Was it bad that she was jealous of her classmates and their familial bonds, something it seemed she could never and would never have?

Cassie sighed taking one last look at the streets below her feet, swiveling her head up to take in the dark sky and twinkling stars before swinging her body back over the balcony railing and making her way back into her room for the night. Maybe when she woke up she would feel better.

Chasing a Memory ( Shoto x Oc )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora