Pranking with Denki

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" Psst!" Cassie glanced around the empty Heights alliance lounge in confusion trying to find the source of her peaceful tea time disturbance but didn't see anyone in sight. The pinkette shrugged her shoulders bringing her mug of warm tea to her lips and taking a long sip, letting out a satisfied sigh as she felt the warm soothing liquid against her tongue.

It had been a stressful few weeks at the Endeavor agency and upon her arrival back at U.A once her internship had ended, Cassie found she was in desperate need for some personal care treatment. And what better time than the middle of the night when the rest of her classmates were asleep.

Or at least she had assumed they were all asleep, they really should have been asleep by now but evidently not as Cassie watched Denki Kaminari barrel into the lounge. " Hey Cassie don't ignore me." the boy whined pitifully. Cassie sighed, raising an eyebrow, swiping a strand of her pink hair behind her eye as she eyed her classmate in distaste.

It wasn't like she disliked the boy, no she considered him an acquaintance, they had not talked enough for the girl to see him as a friend though. She was honestly just not in the mood to deal with his hyperactive self.

" What is it Kaminari? What is so important that you found it in yourself to disrupt my midnight tea time?" Cassie rubbed at her temples peering up at the boy who stood sheepishly in front of her twiddling his thumbs.

" I need your help Fox.'' He explained rubbing the back of his neck quickly picking up on the fact that the pinkette was rather annoyed by his presence. Cassie lifted a hand waving it in a motion for him to continue clearly; she didn't feel the need to respond verbally.

Denki cleared his throat, clamping his hands together in a mock ple " Please Fox, please help me prank Bakugo." He begged, giving the girl exaggerated puppy dog eyes. Cassie sat up a bit more from her relaxed position on the plush lounge couch obviously intrigued by the boy's proposition.

She set down her mug on a nearby coffee table rather reluctantly but now Kaminari had her full attention, she was curious. " And how pray tell you that you need my help?'' she asked, her wide green eyes narrowing slightly as she stared the boy down causing him to sweat drop.

" I want to put his weights out of his reach but Sero won't let me use his tape, says he doesn't want to be caught in the crossfire." Denki explained, smiling happily. If Cassie were being honest it was a rather childlike plan but she was willing to play along, for her entertainment of course.

" You want me to use my plants to dangle his weights above his door?'' Cassie asked with a raised eyebrow although she was pretty sure she already knew the boy in front of her was thinking the exact same thing.

Denki nodded his head emphatically up and down, so fast that Cassie wondered if he would get a headache. Once her classmate calmed down the pinkette put her index finger to her chin as if she were thinking things over. In reality she was wondering how she could go through with this without risking any bodily harm from Bakugo.

Which plant would she grow that could withstand the weight of the barbells in bakugo's room, as well as his annoying explosions. Cassie was at that moment very glad to have started building a resistance to fire with the help of Todoroki and by proxy his father.

She could extend the leaves of her Philodendron but that would be too much effort for some petty little prank. Besides, her room was too far away from Bakugo's. Denki offered to sprinkle some soil around Bakugo's door so Cassie could work freely to which the girl readily agreed.

Denki happily pulled three dumbbells from behind one of the lounge's couches and Cassie gave him an accusatory look. " How did you already get them? I only just agreed to this plan?'' she asked, running a hand through her hair, brushing it back from her forehead.

The blonde shrugged his shoulders giving Cassie a sheepish grin. " I may or may not have asked Hagakure to get the weights for me." he explained, almost sounding guilty for getting more people involved in this prank.

After a bit more planning Cassie found herself hiding in Denki's room which was a floor above Bakugo's room and about one room over on the right side of the building. This was technically still in her range to use her quirk but she had to concentrate just a little bit harder.

Denki was on call with her hiding out on the floor below keeping an eye on their target's door ready to abort the mission if anything went wrong. It took a few minutes before his voice crackled through the speaker of her phone, letting her know what several leafy stems had sprouted from the soil in front of Bakugo's door.

Soon enough two long vines of hardened Caladium leaves snaked up the walls of the third floor, and on several of the leaves were Bakugo's three dumbbells. Cassie severed connection with the plant as to limit any damage she might receive from the explosive teen via her poor plants suffering.

She made a mental note to remove the Caladium after she and Denki were done messing around and plant them in her little garden outside of the Heights Alliance entrance. Well that was if Bakugo somehow decided to spare her poor plants in the first place.

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