Chapter 14 - Deviation

Start from the beginning

It's in this moment when he starts speaking to the viewers that you realize that you're there as well, standing in the very background of the show you've been watching. You wonder fleetingly how the viewers will perceive your appearance now, and just how much they really know about you. It's a bit of a nerve-wracking thought that you're quickly snapped out of when Four appears in front of you, speaking to you. "Ready to go?" He questions. "Go?" You reply, a bit confused. "Go where?"

"You're awfully forgetful, huh?" He says in almost a teasing manner. "Back to your home like you were asking about earlier! Remember?" They poke you in the forehead, and you smile. "O-oh! Oh, yeah! So you've already talked to X about it? And they're okay with it..?" Four stiffens. "Uh-"

They had forgotten all about mentioning it to X. While they are certain X would be just fine with it, he has a right to know at the very least. Guess they had become a little too excited at the prospect of spending some more alone time with you. "Oh, Four..." You give him a soft smile. "You know, I'll go ahead and try to get situated with some of the contestants more, and you can go talk to X. We'll meet up when you're finished, okay?" He seems to like the sound of that, turning away with a slight hesitancy. They don't really want to leave. They want to stay here and hold your hand and talk to you...if those contestants say a single mean thing to you, so help him...

"See you soon, Four!" It's your turn to snap him out of his thoughts as he watches you leave with a slight wave. He slightly waves back, before disappearing off to where X is. Immediately, he's greeted with a confusing sight. X is standing there assisting Bubble, Leafy, and Ruby work to dress up Lollipop Four stares blankly at the group and they all stare right back. "What's...what's all...this?" Four finally asks, eyebrows furrowing, absolutely perplexed.

"Umm...nothing...serious..." X says softly, poking their fingers together nervously and swallowing hard. Four squints. "Excuse me, everyone. I need to speak with X privately for a moment." He says, reaching out to harshly grab X by the nub to pull him away from the others, moving behind a nearby rockface. He frowns down at the shorter variable, X looking uncertain. "It really isn't what it looks like! I promise!"

"I don't know what...shenanigans you're pulling with the Four-colored team, X, but they all have been acting too weird today! Did you have something to do with it?" He asks sternly, X nodding. He expects Four to punish him, bracing himself to be despawned or scolded, but it doesn't come. "I don't think it's a good idea for the hosts to get too involved with the competition, X. Look what happened today! The Four-colored team didn't even apply themselves because they were distracted, disappointing my own color! Ugh." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Can you just tell me what's going on, please?" They finally ask, a lot softer and more politely. X seems mildly surprised, shuffling nervously. "It's just- well, I...I...I just noticed how- how you and Y/N act around one another and you seem like you two really like each other and I just thought that maybe- maybe-" Four realizes instantly what X is doing...and it all makes sense. The strange candlelit table and Lollipop dressed up like you. "H-huh?!" Four's face purples with a deep, violet blush, nervously gesturing towards X. "I don't- err- I mean- I- you don't know what you're talking about, X! You're over analyzing the situation." Four says stubbornly, but X knows better, raising an eyebrow and giving him an expression that has "Are you serious?" written all over it.

Four bites their lip, slumping slightly. "It was that obvious, huh...? Well- why didn't you just let me handle it on my own?! You didn't have to go and drag the contestants into this! It's not any of their business!"

"Oh, I know I shouldn't have...but I just really wanted you to be happy! And the contestants were willing to help me, so..." X tries to explain and Four looks around the rock back to where the gaggle of girls stood, Lollipop trying with minimal effort to act just like you. "Can you maybe just try..? It might help you." X suggests. Four bites his lip. He honestly didn't want to do this, but he already lost X once. Yet here they are, actively trying to help him. He couldn't just dismiss them again...not if he wanted to keep them in his life. "Fiiinnee..." Four says, slumping forward. The two re-emerge from the place in the rock, sliding back over to the group. "Ah! There you are! Fourty-Four, I think Y/N would love to spend some time with you! Isn't that right, Y/N?" Leafy asks, turning to Lollipop. She clearly seems to have taken the role as director in this little plan. Lollipop rolls her eyes. How did she get caught up in this mess. "Suuure..." She replies unenthusiastically, Bubble pulling out the chair for Four to sit.

"What's wrong, Four? You look a little tense." Lollipop blinks with a bit of a smirk, almost amused by how nervous the normally intimidating and unsettling character looks. "I'm fine." Four says shortly, refusing to make eye contact with the costumed candyball.

"Psst. Try to make conversation. Try and compliment Y/N's eyes." Leafy whispers, giving Four a thumbs up to keep going. Four can only feel even more icky about this situation as he forces himself to look up at Lollipop, who honestly looks rather bored. "Uh- Y-your eyes remind me of...uh- raisins." They stammer before facepalming.

Lollipop stares at him awkwardly. "Was that...supposed to be a compliment?"

Four feels like he's about to burst at the seams, gritting his teeth and glaring off to the side. "I don't know! All of you have the same features!" Leafy and Bubble glance to one another, noticing that Four doesn't seem even remotely confident. This is supposed to be meant as practice for the real thing, but they're even struggling with this.

"Umm...great joib, Four!" Bubble cheers him on with a thumbs up, though he can hardly believe her. This is going terribly.

"What do I do now?" He finally asks, stroking the nubs on the top of his head in order to self-soothe. "You should try asking Y/N out on a date! And explain why you want to go on one!" Leafy encouraged.

So that's all he had to do? Just tell you why he liked you and if you would want to spend more time with him somewhere fun? They grip the edge of the table and seem to be on the verge of a meltdown with how uncomfortable and nervous they are. "I-I...I like how much you- you get me- and I-I think that...maybe...would you wanna...g-go out together sometime...?" He stammers, still refusing to look up at Lollipop, who shrugged. "Sure...why not." She says. Four pauses.

You said yes. Was it that easy?

"Really?" He asks, finally looking up towards Lollipop with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah. I'm glad you finally asked me out." Lollipop says, a hint of sarcasm on her voice, though Four doesn't pick up on that. They asked a question and they got a 'yes'. That felt...strangely invigorating.

"Huh." Four blinked, Leafy smiling. "See, Four? You can do it!" She cheers. "Yeah! And if Y/N rejects you- you still have Lolli here!~" Ruby says, Lollipop startling at that idea. She cringes and glares at the gem. "Be quiet, Ruby. There will be none of that." Four is hardly listening to them, moving towards X to speak with him.

"Thanks for your help, little buddy! I feel great!" He says, patting their head. "Also, Y/N and I are going to be gone for a little while...maybe a month or so."

"Haha! You're welcome, Four! And okay!.......Wait- A month?!" He looks up, looking around. Four has vanished. "Four..?"

Four had fled the scene, locating where you were with ease and rapidly rushing up behind you as you were speaking with Taco, trying to make casual conversation. Taco is startled by the abrupt halting by Four, the wind that was caused by the sheer speed that he was running blowing behind you. You barely jolt, however, slowly turning around to greet him. "Hey, welcome back! How'd the talk with X go?" You inquire, Four smiling from ear to ear. "It went perfectly! There shouldn't be any problems in our absence!"

"That's great!" You smile, certainly feeling relieved to hear that there wouldn't be any confusion from this sudden change. "Wait? Absence? Where are you guys going?" Taco asks, and you bite your lip. How could you even possibly explain this? Your thoughts are cut short as Four snaps his fingers and the world around you disappears in light. Blinded, you squeeze your eyes closed, feeling your knees touch a cold, flat floor. When you open your eyes again, you're there on the hardwood floor of your apartment's living room. Four is in front of you, back to the small size of when you first met him, looking up at you with a grin.

You smile back at him, taking note of the warm sunbeams peering in through the window, illuminating the particles in the air to dance around them. It's a soft, comforting sight.

Home sweet home. 

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