Chapter 3 - Invitation

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As promised, the very next day when you returned home from work, you took Four out to help practice his magic. To save your apartment from any further damage, you would have to take him outside, elsewhere away from home and other humans. Thankfully, due to the somewhat rural location of your home, there were several desolate places where you would feel safe bringing Four to. You recalled a large field near your family home that you had never seen a soul in. You wonder if it may be public land. A large field with trees shrouding the edges for privacy would be perfect. You look up to Four, who is standing on the kitchen counter, staring out of the window down to the street below.

You step up behind them, a heavy coat over your shoulders. "Excited to go outside, Four?" You ask them. They turn around, throwing their arms up in joy. "I sure am! Finally, the rain has stopped, too. It's looking like a perfect day!" You look out the window as well. It has been raining daily since you found Four, the summer showers leaving puddles within the indentations on the roads and neighboring yards looking quite marshy. The skies, however, are not even overcast. Large, fluffy clouds are spotted in the blue sky. It really does look like a good day.

"It does! I hope the field isn't too flooded, though..." You open the coat that you're wearing wide open, inviting him inside. "Alrighty...climb on in." He squints, giving you a scrutinizing look. "Why?" He asks.

"You need to stay hidden on the way to the field, but I'll let you out once we get there. Promise."


" one here has seen anything like you. They might panic or try to hurt you...or take you away from me. A lot of humans do stupid things when they have something they don't understand sitting in front of them...I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Grr- I would like to see them try! If anyone messes with me, I can just-"

He holds his hand up in a threatening manner. Well, he can't zap or mutilate them. Most of his abilities were completely out of the question.

"Err..." He trails off, realizing how truly powerless they would be in this situation. You give a sympathetic smile and pat his shoulder. "It'll just be for a little bit. The walk's not too far; plus I packed us a lunch for when we're done practicing. We'll have a good time. Promise."

Four sighs and rolls his eyes. He really doesn't like the idea of being stuffed in that coat, but lunch with you outside does sound really good. "Fiiine." He groans.He allows you to pick him up and tuck him snugly in the coat, zipping it up afterwards and heading for the door. The coat is thankfully thick enough to hide their presence inside without making it look too awkward, though as you open the front door, the heat and humidity smack you in the face. You'll definitely look overdressed.

Still, you continue out of the front door, heading down the street towards the field. The first thing you notice is the amount of people outside. Given that it was the first true sunny day in a few weeks, those in your neighborhood are out and active, walking their dogs, mowing their lawns, and riding their bicycles around the streets. You would normally expect this kind of thing, but with a tiny alien from a different world stuffed in your shirt, you only feel paranoid.

"You know, it's actually pretty cozy in here!" Four exclaims. It's muffled, thankfully. You turn your chin down slightly and mumble a response. "That's good." He immediately pops his head out of the collar of the coat. "What was that?" He grunts out, wanting you to repeat yourself. You hastily stuff him back down inside and start walking a little faster down the street.

"Four, you can't do that!" You aggressively whisper, feeling him writhe around and growl in detest at being shoved down. You step over a fallen barbed wire fence and hurry behind the trees, opening your jacket to pull the algebralien out. He did not look pleased with your earlier actions, brows furrowed and wide frown spread across his face.

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