We're going live!

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AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *insert fireworks here ;P*

The 30th May is coming up! You know what that means? PUBLISHING TIME!!!!

The book's being released on May 30th at 2pm EST. You'll have to stayed tuned on the countdown timer for my blog when it reaches 00:00:00! This is so exciting! Just imagine, all you amazing people buying the book at once... Amazon would go into a fit of rage! Even better, it'll be noticed! If it's noticed enough, it'll have the chance to make it into bookstores!

For a moment, just think back to the first book. That cliff hanger... The missing of Comrade, the beloved guardian that lightened the mood... Just think about what you'll be missing out on if you don't go and buy it... You'll never know what happened to Comrade and that would be a tragedy. 

I just want to thank you guys furiously for your support throughout the publishing process. If it wasn't for you, this publishing would never have become a reality for me, so thank you all so much  And because of you guys, the book is just as yours as it is mine.

Oh! Have you got the two free chapters of the book yet? If you haven't, you should go and sign up for the blog! For the ones already subscribed, you will be receiving updates through emails for the book will receive the links to the book once the timer reaches 00:00:00! Yay!

Also, there will be  surprise on the day of the launch, so make sure you tune into my Facebook page for that!

And REMEMBER, you have to buy the book when the countdown timer reaches 00:00:00! If you don't, will come and hunt you down and stalk you until you do! 

Well... maybe not, but you should still buy it! If not for me, then for yourself! You know you want to know what happened to Comrade! Come on!

I would also love for a bunch of reviews and for those who don't have accounts because you're too young, you can ask friends and family to buy it so they can read and leave a review about for you 

So, thank you all so much again and I'll see you at the launch! Geez, it sounds like I'm speaking about NASA right now...

Love ya


P.S. The publisher promises something special for those who will review the book on Amazon...

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