" Yes, what you heard is right Mr. Oberoi. You know If it's just I want her then it's not difficult for me. I can get her now. There are lots of ways of it, I can kidnap her, blackmail her, force her. But that's not the case. She is not something which I want to claim. But She is someone I want to love. She is someone from whom I want love. She is someone with whom I want to have a future."

Abhimaan said with a polite yet determined voice. Siddharth nodded at him and asked,

" So what is the future of this love?"

" Marriage"

" You know Hukum marriage is not something that happens between two people, it happens between two families. My family will accept you but what about your ?"

" I know. But trust me  they will accept her. And about that lady you don't think much she will accept her. If not then nobody cares what she wants "

Siddharth nodded at his statement. But I'm still unsure about it. So Abhimaan spoke,

" You call her Gudiya right,  Give that Gudiya to me. I will take care of her like a glass doll. She won't have any problems. She will never cry I promise "

" I can't say yes.  Because it's the sole right of Gudiya to decide. But if she wants you I will not stop she will have my consent "

" Hmm "

" But I am telling you if something happens to her then that will be the last day of this relationship. I won't allow her to meet you the next day."

" It won't happen "

" Also you are not getting her like this you need to pass test"

" What kind of test?"

" Will tell when time come"

"Ok, But I have a request "

Siddharth lightly laugh at this statement,

" The great Abhimaan singh Rathore is requesting me"

" You know  you are taking test of my patience "

" I know, I also know that you won't do anything about it. I am also telling you will need more patience with Advika. So start practicing. "

" You won't Stop her from meeting me."

" I won't but you will meet her only once in a day"

" This is not fair "

" Everything is fair, Hukum. If you want her then you have to follow a few things."

" Is any way you are blackmailing me"

" Of course Hukum, What do you think I will give you my Gudiya like this? Also if she is with you, you will drop her before 9 at night. And don't even try to touch her before marriage."

" You know you will have to pay for all this once I marry her."

" No I don't have to as my Gudiya loves the most. And I am sure you don't want to make her upset by any chance " Siddharth said smirking

" She may love you now the most but she will love me the most. Let her fall for me."

" No it won't happen."  Both of them are looking at each other with  intense eyes.

" Will see"

" If this is challenged, Hukum then it is accepted. She love me the most and will give me more attention and love in any situation "

" I will get her attention and love more. And you yourself will bring her to me."

" Will see" 

Both of them are looking at each other and thinking about how they will get more attention and love from the girl they love.

Just then Vidhyut entered in Abhimaan's Cabin. He looked at both of them and understood something was going on. So asked,

" Hey bro what is happening?"
" Nothing, Vidhyut meet Mr. Oberoi"
" Hey Nice to meet you. "

Vidhyut greeted him. To which Siddharth also greeted him back. After talking with him Vidhyut comes to know that he is Advika's brother. After some formal talk, Siddharth took his leave.

Vidhyut looked at Abhimaan who was still thinking something.

" What are you thinking?"
" Nothing just how to get some attention"
" Whoo, whose attention you want to get?"

" Nothing, just he challenged me that Advika loves him a lot. So she will listen to him. And also will give more attention to him. Now I just want some attention from her. Also he said that I can't meet her after 9. So now he himself will bring her to me after 9 at night."

" What are you thinking?"
"Just wait and watch " saying he left.

Here is the new chapter. Tell me how you like it. Chapter was ready so thought to update early. Hope it will make my readers Happy.

Also tell me what do you think about this challenge? What will Abhimaan do to get Advika's attention ?

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