Estelle Jackson

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" We are back...." Percy said as everyone realized they were younger again "aww lucy your 10 again, And I am 16 again....this is a lot like the lotus casino incident but different"

" wait the lotus what?"

 Suddenly Professor  Krike enters the room seeing them all on the ground and the Wardrobe door open.

Oh! There you are." He said, "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"
Everyone looked at each other smiling "You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir." Peter said.

Professor toses their cricket ball back "Try me."

Days later, the group was outside by Manor Lake resting after intense training with percy. Even though they are no longer in Narnia   Percy still makes sure they train with weapons in Krike's study which the professor allowed them to keep as memoirs and the fact he has many weapons in his Manor and doesn't mind missing a few.

Lucy looked up at the window of the room where the wardrobe is.

" I don't think we'll get back in that way if you think of returning Lucy said, " Percy said "I've already tried but no luck"

"Will we ever go back?" Lucy asked as the sibling looked at Percy.

"Oh, I expect so. But it'll probably happen when you're not looking for it. We will return when Narnia needs us again " Percy said playing with her ring as Peter looked at her lovingly "All the to keep your eyes open."

She lets down four balloons of water onto the Siblings.

" AND YOUR REFLEX SHARP!!!" She runs off cackling.

" GET HER!!!" Edmund grabs some water balloons and tried to hit percy but missed as she redirected the balloons back at them.

They all ended up doing a full-blown war with each other getting soaked and laughing as they hit each other with water balloons.

" Haha!" Percy hits Edmund with another water balloon at the Dock edge she was standing.

Till Peter ran and tackled her as they both jumped into the lake.

In the water, Percy chuckled as she make a bubble for Peter to breathe underwater as she swims to him. Peter realized he was able to breathe underwater, even though he and percy did this before in Narnia. It still amazed him. He smiled as Percy came closer to him.

"I won," he said to which he got flicked on the forehead.

"As if your majesty," She said chuckling. Peter smirked before pulling her close and kissing her underwater which she happily kissed back.

 Peter smirked before pulling her close and kissing her underwater which she happily kissed back

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They break the kiss for air, and Percy softly giggles before they both go up to the surface. Peter wanted to stay longer but reluctantly swam up

"What took you lovebirds so long?" Susan teased as both and percy came out of the water.

Percy Jackson: The Lion, the Witch and The wardrobeWhere stories live. Discover now