Aslan's sacrifice

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Aslan slowly snuck out of his tent dead at night and about to enter the woods.

" Going somewhere, Aslan?" Percy said cleaning Riptide as Aslan see her waiting in the woods. " before you ask why I am awake, I still have a bit of insomnia. it helps with Patrols at night"

" yes, child I am. I have promised to keep" He said

"What did you promise for Edmund's blood not to be spilled at this stone table?" she asked. Aslan sighed " I promised a life for a life"

percy heart dropped when he said that. Aslan had promised his own life to be taken on the stone table in return for Edmund to be unharmed.

" oh Aslan...." she said "You can't that people need you. Please let her take my life"

" no percy. it has to be me. When I am gone, I need you to help Peter lead my army." he said, " he needs you...they all need you right now. Promise me you will help them, help the penesive."

Percy looked at Aslan sad and hug him patting his mane. " I don't need to make that promise for I am and always will be doing that just, please let me come with you" she whispered

" Very well child. But do  not fear

. She held on to his mane as they walked but after a while, they both heard someone following them.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Aslan said as the people come out of hiding. It was Susan and Lucy 

"We couldn't sleep," Lucy said 

"Please, Aslan." Susan said, "Couldn't we come with you?"

"I would be glad of your company as well for a while. Thank you." Aslan said. Percy smiled softly as they too place a hand on his back as they walked together to the destination. Lucy looks at percy wanting to ask what is going to happen to Aslan but percy shook her head no for she is not ready to tell her 10-year-old friend that Alsan gave up his life for her brother. 

Soon they arrive at the edge of the forest as Aslan spoke to the girls "It is time. From here, I must go on alone."

"But Aslan..." Percy said 

"You have to trust me. For this must be done." he said smiling sadly "Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. Thank you, Percy, and farewell."

He walks off the last part alone as all the girls hid in the bushes to watch what is happening. They see the whole of Jadis's army waiting for him and Jadis in a ceremonial outfit and holding her as Aslan climbs up the steps to the stone table.

"Behold. The great lion." Jadis as her army laughs at Aslan. The girls watched in worry and fear, percy is emotionless as she remains a stronger older sister to the girls. A minotaur hits Aslan making him fall to the side as the dwarf teases "Do you want some milk?"

Percy breaks part of the bark of the fallen tree next to her in anger as her face remains emotionless. "Why doesn't he fight back?" Lucy said worriedly as Percy held her close.

"Bind him! " Jadis said as her people tied up Aslan with ropes."Tie him up! Get him!" The army said

'even if he is not fighting back they still fear him' Percy though 

"Wait!" Jadis said, "Let him first be shaved."

The dwarf drew out his knife and cut off the first hair of Aslan's mane. the army cheered as they all shaved his mane off making him a large cat with part of his main left 

"Bring him to me." She said as two soldiers of her army drags him up to the table and tied him down to the table. She silenced her army then after a while of silence, a rhythm of sticks hitting the ground was heard.

"Look away girls," Percy said making Susan and Lucy hold her close as they watches the so-called ceremony.

"You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you." Jadis said "Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your life and saving no one. So much for love."

Aslan didn't say anything but looked ahead seeing the girls from the distance. 

"Tonight..." Jadis yelled "...the Deep Magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever!" the rhythm speeds up in cheer "In that knowledge, despair..." Aslan looked at Percy and Lucy "...and die!" 

She stabs Aslan right in the heart.

Percy quickly made both girls hide their faces on her chest as it happened a tear shed from her eye as she saw Aslan look at them before he close his amber eyes one last time. Lucy and Susan sobbed as all the girls hugged pouring for Aslan's sacrifice. Percy tried her best to be strong but tears kept flowing down her eyes as she held the girls close.

"The Great Cat..." Jadis cheers " dead!" The whole army cheers at her word "General. Prepare your troops for battle. However short it may be."

As she and her army left, the girls quickly ran to Aslan's side as it was the moon was going down. Lucy opens her cordial

"It's too late. He's gone." Susan said 

"He knew what he was doing and went it willingly without a fight," Percy said gently patting Aslan's head as Lucy hugs Aslan. the girls all cried as they hug Aslan. Suddenly they heard squeaking and saw mice nibbling Aslan's ropes

"Get away! Get away, all of you!" Susan said but percy stopped her "No. Look." the girls say and immediately help get all the ropes off. At least he was not uncomfortable.

"We have to tell the others," Susan said 

"We can't just leave him! " Lucy said, "Lucy, there's no time."

"It's alright..." Percy stopped them from arguing further " I will go. They need to know. Aslan told me to be with them in battle. Even though you two are tough as all the girls I know. I can't let you fight in it. Stay with Aslan ok?"

She has a feeling something will happen as the magic around felt stronger by the minute as right now it was the best option for the girls. Lucy and Susan looked at each other and hugs her.

" Please be safe," Lucy said 

" No promises but I promise to keep your brothers safe and alive in the battle till the end," She said " I swear on the river Styx"

they heard a boom in the sky. Both Susan nor Lucy didn't know how serious the promise is. Percy vowed her life to protect their brothers even if it means she will die to protect them.

She turns and heads back to the camp as she was lifted slightly in the air carried by petals and winds "The trees." she whispered to herself as she lets them take her to camp.

One of the tree dryads went to the boy's tent as the other tree dryads took percy safely to Aslan's tent.

Peter drew his sword in reflex as both boys woke up to see the dryad in their tent "Be still, my Princes. I bring grave news from your sisters and friend. Percy Jackson is waiting for you at Aslan's tent." She said

Peter and Edmund looked at each other and rushed out to Aslan's tent. Peter enters the tent with Edmund as the army prepares. he saw percy looking at him with tears rolling down her eyes none stopped.

Only when Peter held her close did she break down crying.  A feeling she felt a lot of times that never gets better each time. She tells Peter and Edmund what the witch had done to Aslan but never told why he went there.

Edmund hugs her and lets her and Peter be alone for a while. They both sat on the ground of the tent holding hands and hugging close as they mourned for Aslan. Peter stroke her head to calm her down.

" Percy, where are Lucy and Susan?" Peter said after making sure percy was calm.

"They are safe at the stone table. I didn't want them to leave Aslan and it was the best option for them. I can't bear them to be in a huge battle. Lucy is only 10" Percy said 

" that was the right thing you did. thank you percy." he said "Rest for a look exhausted. you need your strength for the fight"

" no have to.." "Rest please," he said begging her. Percy sighed as she felt he was going to be stubborn and closed her eyes. He carries her onto a couch and lets her sleep for a few hours as he went out to Edmund and Oeruis at the map table.

"She's right." Peter said, "He's gone."

"Then you'll have to lead us." Edmund said, "Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you."

"I can't. "

"Aslan believed you could. And so do I. Percy is even here to help" Peter looks back at the tent as percy gets her dreamless sleep. He looks back at the tent and sees percy notes on the side and the map marked up.

She had helped with details of the main plan of the attack and what to do. Peter knows she will have more to tell after she wakes up. He wonders how often she did this and who taught her.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?" Oerius asked as Peter looks at the notes and map carefully. 

Percy Jackson: The Lion, the Witch and The wardrobeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora