Broken Ice

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The whole group arrived at the river, Percy see the ice below and on top of the river waterfall slowly broke. " The weather is getting warmer which is cracking the ice," she said 

"We need to cross, now!" Peter said, "Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked Mr beaver. 

"I'm not that fast, dear." He responded.

"Come on!" Peter said but Susan yelled "Wait! Will you think about this for a minute?"

"We don't have a minute." " I'm just trying to be realistic."

"No, you're trying to be smart. As usual."

"Enough! We have to cross it now!" Percy said then they heard wolves howling in the distance " The white witch and the police are coming let go!" She jumps down and lands near the ice. everyone else climbs down. Peter tried to step on the ice but it cracked.

"Wait. Maybe I should go first."Mr beaver suggested 

"Maybe you should." Peter said which made percy smack his head. "what?"

Mr. Beaver carefully crossed but the ice slowly cracks at his weight "You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs beaver scolded him

"Well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last." he teased her "Especially with your cooking."

The rest of the group slowly cross the ice. Peter and Percy both hold Lucy's hands as they walk over. She shrieks as the ice crack where she stepped.  " Shh it's ok Lucy," Percy said holding tight, "We got you". Lucy nods as they walk over the ice more.

"If Mum knew what we were doing..." Susan said but Peter cuts her off" Mum's not here."

Percy heard paw pats and looks up to see the wolves " Ω γαμημένοι λύκοι Run!" They all try to run across the ice

" Hurry!" Susan said  

They ran and ran but some wolves cut them off before they could reach the other side. Percy held Riptide in her hands immediately and went to Mr beaver's aid.  She fights with the wolves as Mr beaver escapes back the group. she fought them till two wolves has her pinned down and put pressure on Riptide to get it close to percy neck.

"No!" The beavers said 

"Percy!"  Peter yelled out and drew out his sword 

"Put that down, boy." The alpha wolf said, "Someone could get hurt."

He said looking at Percy who is battling a strength battle with two huge wolves trying not to get her neck chopped off. "Don't worry about me! Run! RUN NOW! "

"Leave now while you can, and your brother leaves with you." 

"Stop, Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!" Susan said 

"Smart girl." The alpha wolf chuckled

"Don't listen to him! Run now!" Percy yelled feeling the ice crack more.

"Oh, come on. This isn't your war. All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go."

"Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, it doesn't make you a hero! Just drop it!" Susan yelled

"I will be fine goAHHHH!" She felts Riptide slightly cut her neck after she pushed it up. When her blood drops on the ice, Peter's eyes went dark. He attacks the alpha and gave him a scar on his face almost hitting the wolf's eyes.

"Gut him while you still have a chance!" Mr beaver said as the wolf growled " Wrong choice, Son of Adam"

Percy gets an idea and with all her strength kicks one wolf off her and pushes the other with her arm strength before stabbing it with her sword and killing it.

"Peter! STAB THE ICE NOW!" Percy said concentrating on the water as the ice cracks more. He nods and raised his sword up "Hold onto me!" he yelled as Susan and Lucy hold on to him the ice exploded with percy control causing a huge wave around the siblings and the beavers to push their drifting ice towards the river and attack the other wolves.

Percy dives in as the wave rose and heads to them, while sheats Riptide,  swimming she helps lift them up for air as they drift further down. Mr and Mrs beaver helps percy get them to shore but Percy realizes Lucy fell off her coat and bag which percy was still holding. 

She dives back into the water and quickly saw Lucy about to be floated away. she creates a bubble around Lucy's head which let her gasp for air.

" You ok?" Percy said which Lucy nods "Yes I am fine...I slipped off my wet are you able to speak to me underwater and able to breathe?"

" one of the things being the sea god's kid," she said swimming up and getting them both to land. 

" Another trick" She used her powers and Lucy was as dry as percy. " I can be dry and make others dry after a nice swim" Lucy smiled but still shivered cause of the chilly air as Percy carried her.

 "Lovely." Mr. Beaver said shaking his fur as the others got to land safely. Susan saw Peter looking at Lucy's coat and percy bag in worry. "What have you done?" Susan yelled before looking at the river "Lucy!"

"LUCY!PERCY!" Peter yelled looking around

"We are fine!" Percy called from behind the group. they all turn to see both Lucy and Percy safe and dry. Percy drops the coat and bag on the ground and runs up to the girls hugging them both. Lucy returns the hug while Percy froze and blushed a bit.

" Thank god you are both safe. Percy, are you ok your wound is..." he saw percy had no cut on her neck "...gone?"

" Oh one of my powers, water heals me." Percy said " I am fine and you are soaking wet" She touched Peter's hand and he was instantly dry as a bone

He looked at her relieved then spoke sternly to her " Never do that again" he said, she shrugged " No promises Goldie". they looked at each other dearly as their affection grew.

Lucy looked at them both still in percy arms and said " Are you going to kiss?" she said excitedly which cause them to blush hard and look away " Did I say some wrong ?" she asked Susan, who smirked and shook her head no,  and the beavers, who chuckled at the young love they are seeing with peter and percy.

"No dear and also I don't think you'll all be needing those coats anymore."mrs beaver said looking ahead while Percy dries up Susan. They all walk and saw a cherry blossom tree slowly blooming in the snow. Spring is here.

" I better change back to my old clothes," Percy said tapping her headband she was dressed in her jacket, camp shirt, and jeans. but her shield, headband, and riptide in its scabbard remained with her. She gets her jacket unzipped and tied around her waist as they walk deeper into the woods toward Aslan's camp.

Meanwhile, the witch, Edmund, and the dwarf looked at the ice-free river as the weather around them get warm for spring.

"It's so warm out." the dwarf said which made the other stare at him " I'll go and check the sleigh."

"Your Majesty." they all turn to the alpha wolf as another wolf holding the fox in his mouth before tossing him to the ground "We found the traitor. He was rallying your enemies near the Shuddering Woods."

"Ah. Nice of you to drop in." She said to the fox "You were so helpful to my wolves last night. Perhaps you can help me now."

"Forgive me, Your Majesty." He said 

"Oh, don't waste time with flattery."

"Not to seem rude, but I wasn't talking to you," he said looking at Edmund. Edmund looked at him in surprise when he was called his majesty 

"Where are the humans headed?" 

" I will tell you nothing about the humans and demigod," he said correcting her. Her eyes widen in anger and shock learning one of the humans is born with the blood of a god as part of the prophecy. She raised her wand to strike him

"Wait! No! Don't. The beaver said something about the Stone Table, and that Aslan had an army there." Edmund said stopping her

"An army?" she said. Edmund looked at Mr fox who sighed sadly "Thank you, Edmund. I'm glad this creature got to see some honesty......before he dies."

" No!" he yelled but she already turned Mr fox into stone. She looked at Edmund and slaps him. "Think about whose side you're on, Edmund." she said "Mine......or theirs."

She turns to the wolf police "Go on ahead. Gather the faithful. If it's a war Aslan wants...." she turns a butterfly to stone"'s a war he shall get."

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