The arrival of the Pensives

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A few hours ago

Mrs. Pensieves said her goodbyes to the children, ensuring the youngest, Lucy, was warm. You need to keep this on, darling. Alright. Are you warm enough? Good girl" "If Dad were here, he wouldn't make us go," Edmund said. "If Dad were here, mean the war was over in Iraq, and we wouldn't  have to," Peter said 

"You will listen to your brother, won't you, Edmund?" She said to Ed before hugging, kissing his cheek, and turning to Peter and hugging him. "promise me you'll look after the others.

"I will, Mum. " good man," he said, "Susan. Be a big girl. All right, off you go."

The siblings get on the train, and soon the parade leaves. The siblings looked out the window and waved bye to their mom.

"Bye, Mummy! I love you!" "Bye-bye, dear." "Bye, Mum! We'll miss you! See you soon." We will email you soon!" 

Soon they were off. They watch the land spaces pass, fields, and forests. Till they arrived at the station. The trains leave as they look for the person picking them up. They saw a car, but it passed them.

"The professor knew we were coming," Susan said 

"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled," Edmund said, but suddenly a horse-draw carriage came up the hill. A woman drove it. "And whoa. Whoa."

"Mrs. Macready? " Peter asked. "I'm afraid so. Is this it, then? Haven't you brought anything else?"

"No, ma'am. It's just us."

"Small favors." She said as she motioned them to hop on. They all get on the carriage as they head up the hill. Soon they see a tree in front of the manor then. Lucy looks up and spots the mystery girl in a shirt and jeans, watching them from the tree and pats Peter, then points up, and all of them see the girl hiding in the tree.

" Miss Jackson, get down. It's dangerous to be up there!" Mrs. Macherdy scolded, spotting the girl.

The girls wink at Lucy and surprise the sibling by doing some cool parkours down, landing on a backflip quickly.

" Woah," Edmund said

 " I am fine, Mrs. Macerdy. I was doing some light reading," The girl said, patting the dust off her jeans. She looked around Peter's age, wearing a blue shirt with jeans. Her black hair was naturally wavy like ocean waves, and there was a hidden white hair strand, but seen till she tucked her hair behind her ear. Her eyes shine like sea-green gems, kind yet wild.

" Still, it's dangerous. Children, this is miss Jackson. she is the professor's son's stepdaughter. she is staying here as well. Miss Jackson, these are the Pensive children." Mrs. Macherdy introduced them to each other

"Hello there, my name is Perseus Jackson. You can call me Percy," she said, greeting them.

" I am Lucy. This is Edmund, Susan, and Peter, my older siblings," Lucy said happily.

Edumud pretended to look like he didn't care but was curious about Percy. Susan was surprised to find another girl here, so she looked conscious of her beauty as percy was so naturally beautiful.

As for Peter, He swore she was a goddess as his heart skipped a beat. Her beauty caught him off guard, and her eyes looked warm yet untamable, like a wild sea.

" Nice to meet you; I am peter" He introduced himself " Hello, peter," She said.

The other siblings looked at each other, and the girls giggled, knowing Peter was gone. Edmund knew he had a new thing to tease Peter about.

They all arrive at the manor, and Macerdy starts telling the rules. "Professor Kirke is not accustomed to havin' children in this house. And as such, there are a few rules we need to follow. There will no shoutin'. Or runnin'. No improper use of the dumbwaiter." Percy was walking backward ahead of the siblings and making her hands do blah blah blah. Making Peter, Lucy, and Edmund silently laugh till Susan scolded them.

"No touchin' of the historical artifacts!" Macerdy said, stopping Susan from touching something. Percy smiled innocently at the woman, who smiled softly before continuing the tour. Percy makes a funny face at lucy, who silently laughed, "And above all, there shall be no disturbin' of the professor. Now miss Jackson will show you your rooms. Miss Jackson, please, I have work in the kitchen."

Percy nods as macherdy gets out of sight. She let out a long breath. She turns to them with a smile. " She means well, but rules are made to be broken...just be careful and don't get caught," she said, making the youngest smile. " Grandpa is nice but likes to be in his world unless he and I are horse racing outside or sword fighting. Now follow me. You guys are living in the room close to mine."

She is about to take Lucy's luggage. " Oh, you don't have..." lucy tried to stop, but " Oh, its fine, lucy. A princess doesn't need to carry her luggage or walk." She carries lucy on her back, who squeals in delight.

" Onward, fair maiden, to your royal chambers," she pretends to gallop, making lucy laugh as she rushes up the stairs to the room. Edmund laughed and chased after them.

" Be careful!" Susan said, and peter just chuckled and followed them.

Soon Lucy was dropped safely on a bed, and Percy grabbed her sword and realized she had left it out. Lucy looked at it in amazement. 

" A sword. is it yours?" she said, and the others looked at riptide in amazed and one in worry.

" Woah, cool sword!" Edmund said. Percy acts quickly. " Why yes, fair maiden, I do have a sword, for I am a warrior with quick battle reflexes. " she did some air tricks with the sword before bowing at lucy smiling face as she clapped. Even peter and Susan slowly clapped in amazed.

" Can you teach me that?" Edmund asked, " sure, but we work on wood. No one should touch this word, and it was a gift from my father.' Percy said 

" what does that word say...It looks greek?" Susan asked, seeing a word on riptide. " Anaklusmos, or in English, Riptide. The sword of the sea. It's ancient greek. Father is greek. I am half greek. Now it is must refresh and prepare for dinner, fair maiden. This will be the girls' room...the boys' is two doors down. Next door is mine. You can find me there or outside with the horses." 

She bows and leaves the room. " I like her," Lucy said " she did amazing tricks with that golden sword."

" Wish I had that," Edmund said, " come on, we need to unpack." Peter said, " or you want to spend good time being all prim and proper to woo the knight," Edmund teased, making peter smack his head.

"It's true, peter, you fell in love with percy," Susan teased. Lucy looked sad as she remembered her parents. 

"The sheets feel scratchy," Lucy said 

"It will not last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon." Susan said 

Yeah, if we get to go home," Edmund said " Go unpack, Ed" "Yes, Mum."

 "Ed!" Peter said, "You saw outside. This place is enormous. We can do whatever we want here. And there is our new friend Percy. "

" You mean your girlfriend?"

" Ed!"

" Come on; we have to get ready. It will be dinner soon," Susan said 

"Tomorrow's going to be great. really," Peter said, making lucy smile again.

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