Return to Narina

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A few hours earlier

"You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeper." The Professor said fixing his pipe. " even angered my granddaughter. you never want to anger her again, do you?"

They both looked at each other and shivered at the reminder of Percy's mother wolf glare.

"We're very sorry, sir. It won't happen again." Peter said about to make him and Susan leave but she spoke

"It's our sister, sir. Lucy." Susan said

The weeping girl." The professor said 

" Yes, sir. She's upset."

"Hence the weeping."

"It's nothing. We can handle it." Peter said 

" Oh, I can see that," he said 

"She thinks she and Percy found a magical land. In the upstairs wardrobe." Susan said. This surprised the professor he asked in amazed leading them to sit on the couch.

"What did you say?" he asked them 

"Um, the wardrobe, upstairs. Lucy thinks she and percy found a forest inside."Peter said

" She won't stop going on about it." Susan said " even percy is agreeing with her imagination"

"What was it like?" He said 

 "Like talking to a lunatic."

"No, no, no, not her. The forest."

"You're not saying you believe her?" Peter said 

" You don't?" He asked both the siblings 

" But of course not. I mean, logically, it's impossible."Susan said

"What do they teach in schools these days?" the professor said 

"Edmund said they were only pretending," Peter said 

"He's usually the more truthful one, is he?"

"No. This would be the first time."

"Well, if she's not mad and she's not lying, then logically we must assume she's telling the truth," he said lighting his pipe

"You're saying that we should just believe her?"

"She's your sister, isn't she? You're her family. You might just try acting like one. Now off to bed, it is rather late." He said and both of them leave.

" Oh and Peter..." The professor called as peter turned to him " Percy might be known as a problem child by the other maids. But knowing her, she is truthful when needed, and her loyalty will be there for she cares, her loyalty is strong and very hard to break. She will send her wrath to those who dare harm the people she cares"

" of course sir," Peter said before leaving. He went to their room but stopped at Percy's door. He opens it slightly to see her fast asleep. 

She looks calmer than ever even innocently as she sleeps. Peter felt it was impossible to fall in love at first sight but was he wrong when his blue-green eyes saw her wild sea-green eyes.

He closes the door and goes to bed thinking about what the professor said.

The next day

Percy held her bag for travel (which had mortal first aid and Demigod first aid, spare food, and 3 collapsible enchant tents from the Atermis hunters), wearing her CHB shirt, jacket, and warm jeans and shoes, as she listen to Lucy reading a book while her other siblings play cricket.

Percy Jackson: The Lion, the Witch and The wardrobeWhere stories live. Discover now