Oh, my hades! It's Santa!

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Edmund shivered as he was tossed into the icy cell of the white witch chains on his legs. he tried to eat the bread, but it was hard to eat and the water was frozen in the glass. 

"If you're not going to eat that..." he turns to see Mr tumnus chained up in the cell next to him . he goes and gives him the bread seeing his hooves are chained. "I'd get up, but......but my legs."

"Mr. Tumnus," Edmund asked

"What's left of him." he said before realizing who Ed was "You're Lucy Pevensie's brother. "

"I'm Edmund."

"Yes. Yes, you have the same nose. Is your sister all right? Is she and Percy safe?"

"I don't know." Edmund said then suddenly the door opens and the witch enters " My police tore that dam apart." she said coldly to him "Your little family and your friend are nowhere to be found. Where did they go?" she said picking him up in the air

" I don't know!" Edmund said

"Then you're of no further use to me." she tossed him to the ground and was about to turn him to stone

"Wait! The beaver said something about Aslan!" he quickly said 


"I..." Edmund was about to say but Mr tumnus spoke immediately " He's a stranger here, Your Majesty. He can't be expected to know anything."

the Drwaf hits Mr. tumnus with the blunt handle of his axe.

"I said... where is Aslan?" The witch asked

"I... I don't know." Edmund said "I left before they said anything. I wanted to see you!"

"Guard!" the guard responds to her "Your Majesty."

"Release the faun. " She said as the guard grabs Mr. tumnus and drags him to her."Do you know why you're here, faun?"

"Because I believe in a free Narnia," he said 

"You're here..." she points "...because he turned you in. For sweeties. Take him upstairs."

Edmund looks away ashamed of himself as Mr. Tumnus get dragged away.

"And ready my sleigh." She said "Edmund misses his family." she left shutting the door behind her as Edmund looks down in shame.

Meanwhile, Percy packs up the tents into her bag after everyone wakes up. soon they left for the river after a quick breakfast with percy and Mrs. beaver's supplies. " Now, Aslan's camp is near the Stone Table just across the frozen river."

"River?" Peter said 

"The river's been frozen solid for a hundred years." Mrs. Beaver said " that means the ice is strong enough for us to cross," Percy said 

"It's so far." Peter said "It's the world, dear Peter" Percy said, "Did you expect it to be small?"

"Smaller," Susan said making percy chuckle.

Back at the castle, Edmund was taken out of his cell, but he stopped seeing Mr tumnus a statue "When you're ready, Son of Adam." he turns to the white witch standing on the sleigh as they prepare to find Aslan

Soon Percy, the sibling, and the beavers were walking on an open snow field. Percy walks near Peter while holding lucy in one arm as she got tired from walking. She kept blowing hot air on her other hand to keep them warm.

" you alright?" Peter asked her.

" yeah should have brought gloves...but it gets hard to hold a sword with gloves. " She kept blowing her hot air on her free hand.

Peter gently grabs her hand and holds it tight, keeping their hands warm in his jacket pocket. 

" don't want to get our wonder woman a frostbitten hand," he said in a flirty tone.

 Lucy giggles at that and percy rolled her eyes " Shut up goldie" she said. This made both Susan and lucy laugh. 

Peter glared at his sisters before flicking percy forehead. She sticks her tongue out in remark.

"Come on, humans! While we're still young." Mr beaver said walking ahead 

"If he tells us to hurry one more time, I'm gonna turn him into a big, fluffy hat," Peter said 

"Hurry up! Come on!"

"He is getting a little bossy." Lucy said but Percy heard faint bells with her sharp ears "Behind you! It's her!" Mrs beaver said as they all see a sleigh covered by snow mist coming behind them from the distance 

Percy Jackson: The Lion, the Witch and The wardrobeWhere stories live. Discover now